Tuesday, September 27, 2016

3D Printing - A New Dimension In Technology

A 3D printing online business represents perhaps one of the most exciting and fastest growing sectors of the technological world today. With the advent of 3D printing opening up an almost endless number of possibilities for up and coming entrepreneurs, it makes perfect sense for skilled IT professionals to want to get in on this end of the market.
Though the possibilities for production through 3D printing are virtually limitless, the process can be rather complicated, involving the need to understand and utilize specialized software, designs and equipment. With the right skills and knowledge, you can establish your own 3D printing business, either by creating and selling your own designs, providing 3D printing services or merely acting as a middleman between companies and 3D printing facilities.
Creating your own 3D designs is by far the most challenging and exciting of these possibilities but it requires learning the intricacies of CAD and putting various types of software to use to create one-of-a-kind pieces to market directly to customers. This technology has already been utilized to produce everything from car parts to camera lenses to artificial limbs and everything in between.
3D printing appeals to companies because it can give them autonomy, allowing complete control and manufacture of their own designs. But many companies don't have the knowledge or the equipment necessary to take their ideas from concept to finished product. If you happen to have your own 3D printer then you can offer the ability to make other people's designs a reality.
Here you can begin to see the possibilities for a successful 3D printing online business. For companies who do not possess the IT skills in house to develop their designs, it may be necessary to look for outside help in this area. If you can position yourself as one such option, you'll be able to drive business to your own door and enjoy the substantial results.
Even if you lack the facilities and equipment to physically produce 3D printed designs, you can still provide an essential service by linking up businesses with others who do. By employing your knowledge of 3D printing technology you can sit down with companies and discuss their ideas, work them up into a usable design yourself, then hand that design off to a trustworthy and capable printer who can then create the final product.
Your key to doing business here is the ability to offer your customers not only complete control over their designs, but highly detailed customization that will allow them to personalize the final product without costing them an arm and a leg. You get the advantage of having more business while they are able to save money on both manpower and production costs, all of which will prove very attractive to most companies.
So there you have it. 3D printing is the wave of the future and it could very well be your best opportunity for creating your own successful online business. If you've got the know how to put this brand new technology to use, then why not consider your own 3D printing online business? It's the new dimension of IT and now is your chance to get in on the excitement.

5 Signs That Your Online Home Business Is Going To Fail

An online home business is just like any other business. To get the rewards, you have put in the work. It involves more than pressing a few buttons on your computer each day.
There are definitely a lot of benefits with an online home business. You can reach customers from all over the world, your business can be trading around the clock without you having to be supervising it continuously and you don't even have to produce your own products as you can sell other peoples' products and earn commission on your sales. But how will you know if your online home business is going to fail?
1. You Don't Like Learning New Skills
The online business world can be too much to handle for some people. They think they know everything as soon as they get started. But you need to be prepared to learn new skills to be successful. You don't have to be an expert in everything but as long as you know a little more than your customers, you will always be one step ahead.
2. You're Not Willing To Invest In Your Business
Any business that you start, regardless of whether its offline or online, is going to need investment. At a minimum, when you start an online home business, you will need to invest in creating a website, purchasing a domain name and getting some hosting for your website. If you try and do everything for free, you'll have very limited control over your business and you will not be regarded as a genuine business.
3. You're Too Busy Doing Other Things
If you're a little disorganised and you're never able to finish anything then you need to think seriously before starting an online home business. We all have the same 24 hours in each day and the key is to manage the time available and make it work more effectively. A regular job requires you to be working at certain times on certain days.. You need that same kind of structure when you have an online home business
4. You Really Struggle With Computers
You don't need to be a computer expert to start an online home business but you do need some fundamental skills. The basic requirement is being able to send an email and use a search engine to find some information on the internet. If you can't do that yet, find somebody who can show you how to do it. You can learn other new skills as your business grows.
5. You Don't Care About Earning Extra Money
This is usually the main reason why people start an online home business in the first place. A new online entrepreneur will not become a millionaire overnight, but with the right mind-set, techniques and determination to learn new skills, it is possible to generate extra income every month or even single day.

To Start An Online Business, First Begin By Asking Why And What Then How

I have found that when seniors want to learn about Internet Business or online business, many of these seniors are so eager to want to know how to go about doing it. Right from Day One, many of them are just eager to want to know how to create a website or how to start promoting other people's products and services. They are just so anxious to know "how" "how" "how'...
Well, in this second article I want you to approach the learning of doing this kind of business by first asking "why", then "what" and then only "how" instead of just wanting to learn the "how", "how", "how". This is because I believe that once you have got the "why" and "what" right, then the "how" is the least difficult of the whole process.
1. First Start With "Why"
Most of the good internet marketing gurus will always ask their students to spend the initial part of their learning process focusing of getting the right "keywords". Well, for us senior newbies, what this means is to get "Why" right first. And what do I mean by that?
Let's examine the first three possible scenarios, that is, either you have a product to sell, a service to offer to customers or you want to help to promote someone else's products or services.
Even if you have a product or service to offer you should ask the question, "why does the customer want to buy your product? ". If you do not have any product or service to offer to customers and you may want to help promote someone else's product, again you also have to ask the question "why does the customer want to listen to you when you are promoting someone's else product?"
To promote someone else's product or service you need to know what product or service do you want to help to promote? Take you time. Don't worry about where to find the products or services to promote. That's the "How" part of this process. First just think of what interest you or "why do you think the customers want to buy that product or service? ". You can promote many products related to such topics like music, fishing, golf, handicraft, cooking, learning languages, astronomy, magic tricks, yoga, tai chi, travel and the list goes on and on. That's why I say, take your time. This is the most important part of the process. Get this wrong and you will reduce your chances of succeeding significantly.
So the first and most important thing is to really understand why would the customer want to buy from you?
Don't be afraid to spend as much time as possible on understanding the "Why"s. Why do you want to sell this product or service
2. Then we ask the question "What"
To help us understand why we think customers want to buy from us, we should ask the question "What is the problem that the customer want solved?". Once you are very clear on that, then we can see if what we are offering is providing the solution that the customer is looking for. What problems are those products or services trying to solve for the customers? For example, if the customer has an overweight problem then the weight loss program that you are trying to promote may be a potential product to help such a customer. From your perspective, you should also try to be more targeted in your customer group. For example what target profile of the population are you focusing when you promote your weight loss program. Is it for overweight teenagers or overweight seniors? Who are you trying to help? Spend some time asking the question "what problems are you trying to solve for the customers" or "what are the most urgent problems that potentials customers have and what solutions can you provide". Remember you can combine the "why" and the "what" when looking at customers' problems and "what" and "why" a particular product or service is the best choice to consider.
Once you have identified the product or service and the problem that it will solve then, and only then, can you start looking at "keywords" which brings us to the third question and that is the "how".
3. Finally we will look at "How"
When we ask the question "how", what we are trying to find out is "how do customers look for solutions to their problems?". Now what do I mean by that?
Let's take one example to illustrate what I mean.
First lets take the simple example of cooking. Now if you are keen on the subject of cooking and you want to promote your own cookbook or someone else's cookbook then you need to know "why do customers want to look for such a cook book?". "What" is the cookbook trying to solve for the customer? For example, it is a Japanese cookbook for non-Japanese cooks. So the "why" and "what" is obvious. For example, helping non-Japanese who are very keen to learn how to cook Japanese dishes. To understand the "how" we have to put ourselves in the shoes of the "potential" customers of this cookbook. They want to know "how" to cook Japanese dishes. So when they go online to look for information about how to cook Japanese dishes, "how" do they go about doing it. They probably will use Google Search and will key into Google Search such words like "Cooking Japanese dishes" or "how to cook Japanese dishes" or "easy Japanese cooking guide" or some other such terms. Well in the Internet Marketing world, such words are called "keywords" or "key phrases".
Our main objective in the first phase of our journey is to learn how to identify the right "keywords" or "key-phrases" that potential customers will use when they do their "Internet searches".
There are several "tools" online that can help us to check which are the most popular "keywords" and "key phrases" that potential customers use to search for solutions that your products or services can provide them.
So in this article, what we have learned is that the most important first thing to do if we want to start an online business is to take our time and really study why and what problems does the potential customers have and then what products or services that you have that can provide solutions to these potential customers. If you already have a business in mind then that's great and you can move to the "how".
However if you are still trying to "discover" what is the "best" subject to get involved in to start your online journey, then here is a simple technique. Most IM gurus always say "don't try to sell someone something. Instead, try to find out what some people need and then be the one to help them meet their needs."
Once you have identified the product or service that you want to sell or promote that means that you have found the "niche" that you want to focus on. Then it is time to put on the "customer's hat" and start to think like the customer. Within that niche, what problems or needs does the potential customer have? How would he or she start looking for solutions online? What words or phrases will they key into Google Search to find help for their needs. Make a list of all the possible "keywords" or "key phrases" that YOU THINK they will use to search for more information online. Then you can use some online tools to "check" if these are really the common keywords that people use to search online within that niche. In this way you can identify what are the most popular keywords related to your product or service. The secret here is that the more specific your niche is, then the more targeted your potential customers will be and the higher will be your chance of serving the right customers within that niche. Take for example the game of golf. Now if you are just selling golf training books, then your customer group is fairly diverse. However if you narrow that down to "how to improve your putting?" then your target customers become more specific. So instead of promoting a golf book for all golfers, you position yourself as someone who is trying to help golfers who want to improve their putting techniques. Just like instead of promoting a cookbook, position yourself as trying to help people who want to learn how to make chicken pies. As most Gurus will tell you, the secret is that the more specific your niche is the better is your potential to find and serve the "right customers" who have a specific need that you may be able to fulfill. So be more specific in finding your keywords or key phrases.
One of the most popular online tools for this is the free Google Keyword Planner.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Machine Learning: An IT Essential

A machine learning business could very well be your best opportunity as an IT professional. That's because this unique area of the computer world is one that requires a great deal of specialized skill to navigate while at the same time being an essential part of much consumer computer activity. In other words, it's necessary but there are only so many people who can do it.
Not surprisingly, you can see how being able to bridge the gap and allowing companies to make use of machine learning to drive their business would make your services extremely valuable. That's why, if you're looking to start an online internet business and you have the necessary knowledge, then machine learning could be the perfect field for you.
So what exactly is machine learning and why is it so valuable in the online business world? Simply put, it is a method of data analysis that uses algorithms that learn from data and produce specific results without being specifically programmed to do so. These algorithms can analyze data, calculate how frequently certain parts of it are used and generate responses based on these calculations in order to automatically interact with users.
In fact, machine learning is used in a number of capacities in today's world, from generating those "other items you may be interested in" responses at sites like Amazon, to providing fraud detection, to generating web search results and filtering spam in e-mail servers. These are just a few of the common applications of this process, all of which can be extremely important to companies for driving business.
By using machine learning, companies can personalize their customer's experience, make sure that the right products are being put in front of them at the right time and make sure that their company is coming up in web searches to reach the largest possible audience of potential customers. With your own machine learning business, you can step in and help them to achieve these ends.
The one common factor in all of the applications of machine learning is that while the connection from point A to point B may seem obvious, actually getting there can be like reading ancient Greek. If you don't know what you're looking at, you won't be able to get very far. So companies will be all too eager to employ someone who can find their way through this thorny path and get the results they want.
By playing up how you can use machine learning to help their company and positioning yourself as the best possible option for handling this end of business technology, you'll be creating a tremendous money making opportunity for yourself. And nothing can keep that business going better than a host of satisfied customers ready to spread the word about your quality services.
Gaining a foothold in the ever expanding IT field can be daunting, but it can be done if you go about it the right way. One important factor is choosing the right areas to concentrate on. If you have the skills and knowledge to handle it, then opening a machine learning business may just be your best bet for guaranteed success.

Want to Earn $100K From Home? The Authority Site Secret That Can Make You Rich

How many times have you tried to build a profitable online business? How many different strategies, tools, tips, and techniques have you started and then stopped? How many different ideas have inspired you, only to lose interest as another bright and shinier object appeared in your awareness? How many gadgets have you bought, gimmicks have you learned and gurus have you followed, before learning they were all destined and doomed to disappoint?
If you are anything like the vast majority of people who are trying to build a hyper successful blog, brand, business and bank account from home, the truth is, you can relate to everything above... and then some.
I want to share with you what I truly believe is the quickest, easiest and most ethical way to change your life, starting today... with an online marketing strategy that caters to what you already love, and already do well.
The secret is to build an authority site. And to create a community of fans, friends and followers who will not only enthusiastically become ambassadors for your brand, but they'll do a lot of the work in building your blog and business as well.
First of all, forget everything you've learned about keyword tools, profitable niches and trying to discover some sort of market or industry that is under the radar, or particularly profitable.
Instead, do what you love. Decide what you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life, and build your business around that.
Next, create a an authority site in that niche. Not a single perspective blog where you are the "authority". Instead, create a community style site where you can leverage user generated content, and the power and passion of a COLLECTIVE, to generate all of the traffic, interest and enthusiasm you can handle.
For example?
A niche directory is a great example of an authority site. So too is a marketplace style community, where you can showcase and sell the products, programs and services of your professional peers, as well as your own.
These style sites are ASSETS. They have value, like brick and mortar real estate.
They also, as the site owner, offer you an incredible array of options to monetize, leveraging the hard work that others have already done for you.
Let's look at a directory as an example of an authority site you can quickly and easily monetize into a 6 figure business.
You can start with selling listings for premium members of your community.
You can also create private groups and subscription based memberships where you offer higher end brand and business building services to those who want to build even MORE buzz for their brands.
But you don't have to stop there. You can literally leverage the traffic your own members will send to their own listings, and then target those visitors with books, products and services you've created around what it is that YOU love.
In my case, I've created directories of niche professionals where my members will promote their listings to their friends, fans and followers online, which brings huge amounts of free traffic to our site.
I then use prominent ad placements on our community to promote my own books, sites and services to an ever expanding audience that I don't have to attract on my own. I can also use these spaces to sell advertising to our members,
Much like Yelp or any other authority site that features professionals in a given locale, market or industry, people will always promote their own listings on social media, and through word of mouth to their friends and followers.
When you OWN the site itself, you inherit all of the benefits of that traffic. That makes your asset more valuable.
You can also sell your own products and services to the very people in the public that arrive based on the promotion from the PROFESSIONALS who are listed on your site.
And of course, there are all sorts of other amazing and inspiring ways to scale UP this strategy, and continue to rinse, repeat, innovate and improve.
If you are sick and tired of chasing your tail and NOT doing what you love for a living, an authority site is the answer. Period! (no gimmicks, no gadgets, and no gurus required!)

How To Leverage Your Technological Infrastructure

Starting a business with no knowledge of technology can put you in a vulnerable situation. Even if you have a clear plan regarding your business goals, you still need to be able to understand the technical aspect of things. Learning how technology works and effects your business, can be very important to the success of your business.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide a blueprint that will tell you exactly what tools or technology suits your purpose best without knowing what your business is about. However, I can provide you with some good thoughts on where to look, and what to look out for when setting up the technical aspect of your business.
One of the most important things to think about when starting a business is the website. I have discussed in previous articles how to move forward with this, so I will not discuss it this time.
Instead, I am going to assist you in making solid decisions around the overall technical infrastructure of your business. I will cover topics such as, what would be an acceptable viable approach for setting it up, and, or what do you will need to look out for when it is time to upon expanding it.
Building your business from scratch
If you are building your business from scratch, you are actually better off. If you don't have software platforms or apps in place yet, you have the freedom to have a good look around at what tools are available to you. Then you will be able to find tools that truly suit your needs.
The secret is to find one, or a few anchor apps, and build your technological infrastructure around it. We live in the age of business automation.
There are several cloud-based tools and integration platforms available, which can help you tie your applications together. These integration platforms can orchestrate your applications, synchronize data between your applications, or cause actions in one application to trigger actions in another application you're using.
Choose carefully and wisely, and you can even set up your own technological ecosystem. You can create yourself an environment that is open to scalability and growth from the very beginning.
Scaling your business
If you have been running your business for some time, you may realize you are in a desperate need to level your business processes and find new tools to complete the task. If this is your situation, the process will be somewhat different for you. You probably already use various apps, cloud services, and platforms in your day-to-day work.
Some of these apps may or may not work very well with each other, leaving you with a lot of manual work.
Then, the main question for you is:

"How can you make your existing apps and platforms more efficient, so that you can spend more time working on your business instead in your business?"
Taking stock of where you are today
Instead of adding additional apps to the mix in an effort to keep on top of your workload, look for issues you haven't yet addressed. Look for places that will add efficiency, get the work done, and push your business forward.
Find someone who helps you think through your processes. The task is to identify the process steps that make up your internal business systems, and subsystems.
Whether you run your business solo or have a few employees, business automation will be extremely beneficial for you. The goal is to streamline your operations so that you can save money, increase your profits, and propel your business forward.
There are several approaches possible:
  • Consider using fewer apps
  • Consider switching to one, (or a few) anchor app(s) that will be the hub of your technological infrastructure
  • If you have any employees, it's best to tie them in from the beginning. Integration drives employee adaption, so it would be beneficial to make this a priority.
To be honest, this process change can be challenging for a small business. It requires good preparation, as well as a good organization to select and integrate the tools that suit you best. However, if you want your business to have bigger profits and more growth, this is the way to go.
Picking an Anchor App
I mentioned before that choosing an anchor app that you like, and works well is a promising strategy. The idea behind this is that the choice of an application that is able to integrate and communicate with countless other software tools, can be a lucrative asset in the interconnectivity of the new age.
An anchor app is a cloud-based application that can run a multitude of tasks, which you would otherwise need a number of applications for. It does come with a price, but usually the wide array of features and integrational options justifies the price.
To assist you in your search, I am introducing a few tools to you that may very well be suitable for serving you as an anchor app for your business.
Every business has different IT requirements. However, depending on what your business is about, one anchor may be all you need. More often than not, you'll probably need to connect two or more into your technological infrastructure.
  • A well-developed CRM, like SalesForce or close.io
  • A well-developed marketing allrounder, like Infusionsoft, Ontraport or Drip
  • Team communication tools, like: Asana or Slack
  • Calendar apps, like: 10to8 or YouCanBookMe
  • Intercom - a platform that integrates 4 products: life chat, marketing automation, customer feedback, customer support
  • Harvest - tool for time tracking, invoicing, estimates & expenses
  • Osmosis - a project collaboration tool, that lets you gather project requirements, create winning proposals and collaborate with your clients more effectively
  • Freshbooks - tool for accounting, invoicing, time tracking, reporting, expenses and payments
In an upcoming article I will guide you through the process of finding the tools that can potentially help you with your specific business needs. I know it's too easy to say that there is a tool for each demand, even though I am not totally sure that's true. Either way, I will show you a few ways to help you identify what you are looking for, as well as what to be aware of in your decision process.
I am passionate about making smart use of technology. I run a business called inspirITing, where I help entrepreneurs with a less technical background to understand their options to run their businesses efficiently and smoothly.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How To Set Clear Goals When Starting An Online Business

There are many tasks to achieve when it comes to starting an online business. One of the most important parts to achieve success is to set clear goals. For many people, their goals are so broad that success is something that never happens. On the other hand, you can learn to rely on your set of goals to achieve success if you set them up correctly. Here are the 5 steps to setting goals when starting an online business.
1. Be Precise
When you set an objective, it's essential that you are specific about that objective. Simply saying that you want to attract a particular audience or to make some extra money is not a specific goal. For example, a specific goal would be something like "I want to have 100 new customers the next three months." Or, "I want to earn $6,000 in the next six months." Your goals need to be specific if they are to be successful.
2. Write Everything Down In An Action Plan
Regardless of how insignificant you think it may sound, it's important to write everything down on your action plan. If you don't write it down, it's almost like you're not really committed to it and it doesn't really matter if you don't achieve your objectives.
3. Break It Down
Break down your goals into sub-goals. This makes them easier to reach. If you have a goal to get 12 more clients in the next three months, break it down on how you plan to reach that goal. For example, if you're starting an online business and you want to generate a minimum of $1,000 per month, how many leads do you need to bring in and how many products do you need to sell?
4. Set A Deadline
Giving yourself a deadline to accomplish an objective is probably the best thing you can ever do when you're starting an online business. You are accountable to yourself and your business when you add a schedule to your goals. Using this method, you put a bit of pressure on yourself to achieve that goal by or before the set time.
5. Be Accountable
An excellent way to make, keep, and achieve goals is to be accountable to yourself and anybody else who is involved in your online business. Giving your word is a powerful tool in not only achieving your goals, but also in going above them.

Low-Cost Businesses

A low cost business is one of the most practical ideas you could have today.
This type of business is best suited for those who need to find a supplemental income and also for those who want a full-time business. People search for small scale businesses because of the many benefits they bring.
This article will help you find some of the most low-cost businesses available today. Yes, you heard that right. Your search is now over.
I know this sounds very exciting so let me start with the first small-scale business idea you can consider.
1.) For the love of beauty. This is most effective for women of course. For example, a brow-making tutorial. This has become a trend on YouTube today. There are many tutorial videos that can be found on YouTube. These videos are viewed by thousands of women and YouTube has a way of compensating the owners of some of the most watched videos. Curl tutorials, shadow tutorials and more can be found on YouTube and many people have already earned money doing this type of business. It is very cheap and sometimes, you do not actually have to spend any money for any additional materials especially if you have your make-up set already.
2.) For the love of fitness. Well, today, almost everywhere you turn; you will see a fitness gym. People have already learned to value their health more every day. Online, you can have a low-cost fitness business by providing your customers with online fitness programs and diet plans. This can be done through your social media sites or you can create your own fitness site. Your site will provide training programs for your clients. You give them a list of fitness programs that will be a good match for their body. You can also provide them with diet plans that will be used together with their training. They can follow all these programs in the comfort of their own homes. All they have to do is follow the program you have provided them.
3.) For the love of feelings and emotions. 8 out of 10 people are suffering from depression today and most of them do not want to admit it because many are too ashamed to do so. They opt for private sessions and sometimes would prefer that their counselor would not know who they are. An online site providing treatment to these depressed people will be an effective tool to heal those who are so embarrassed to share their sickness. A few sites can already be found online regarding these types of businesses. You will not have to spend a lot of money except for the books that you will use for the training. It would also be advisable that you are a professional and have experienced some sort of formal training regarding the matter for treating depressive peoples needs.
4.) For the love of basic learning. Some parents want their toddlers to learn as early as possible but most of them do not know how. You can create videos about basic learning or you can create your own website. All you will need are materials or books that will provide them with ideas on how to have early childhood learning. Some people in this type of online business have no formal training. Some of them are parents who use their personal experiences.
These four are some of the more popular low-cost businesses that you can do within the comfort of your home. These are really low-cost businesses that sometimes you do not even have to spend much money ate all to get them started.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Fantastic Online Business Opportunities For Retired People

After retirement, you are likely to find that you have plenty of extra time in your days. The extra time of doing nothing can be exciting at first, but then you start getting bored and you might want to find something constructive to do. Working as a retiree does not only keep you busy, but also ensure you are self-reliant because you can take care of your bills without any problems. Nothing can be better than to continue being financially stable even after you have retired and luckily there are lots of online business opportunities you can take advantage of.
The good thing about legitimate online jobs is that you do not have to wake up early nor leave your home. You can schedule your working hours so they work for your convenience. You also have the freedom to stop working at any given time, thus making it possible for you to enjoy other areas of your life as you continue accumulating an income.
Tutor - One of the best online business opportunities you can choose as a retiree is tutoring. You can offer the tuition services in your field of expertise and you will be surprised at just how many people now embrace online tutoring on various areas. You can join sites offering tuition services or you can better still start your own online tutoring business.
Write or edit - The good thing about being a retiree is that you have vast knowledge and experience in different areas and you can therefore easily handle writing or editing work in your areas of interest or expertise. You can work as a freelance writer or editor by joining a good freelance site where the jobs are in abundance. The good thing about this business opportunity is that you have the freedom of choosing content to write or edit hence you get to choose only what you feel you can deliver excellently and enjoy at the same time.
Sell - The online platform has endless opportunities when it comes to selling. You can start by finding things you have around the house and selling them on platforms such as Amazon, Craigslist and eBay among others. Apart from selling what you have, you can also try affiliate marketing to make good money. If you have an offline business somewhere, it could also be high time that you sell your services or products online. When you choose the right path and the right tools, you definitely will enjoy your online selling experience.
Buy a home-based franchise - Even though franchises that can be operated online and from home are limited, you can still find a few valuable ones you can try out. The internet has plenty of resources you can use to do your research on the best so that you can make an informed decision and a valuable one at that. The secret here is to choose a franchise, you are bound to enjoy every single day and one that makes your investment worthwhile.

No-Cost - Zero Spending Business

Sometimes there is no need to spend money on a business - How is this possible?
An amazing story below awaits. I bumped into a friend of mine the other day. I was at the park sitting, relaxing while thinking of a topic to write for another issue of my e-book. I had my coffee in one hand and my tablet on my lap, watching how the trees would sway back and forth with the wind.
I was having the most relaxing feeling when my friend arrived and sat beside me. We talked about life over he years, the different careers we had both tried, our loved ones and many other things until the topic changed to our current jobs. I was amazed by my friend's achievements. I could not believe that he was a motivational speaker, he also had many videos on YouTube with millions of views. How did his business first start?
I was very interested to know more about his career and his beginnings because I also wanted to use it as the next topic for my e-book. So there I was sitting, looking for a subject and unexpectedly it was right in front of me - a friend's story.
I asked him if I could write an inspirational story about him and he was more than willing to let me do it. What could be the best time but right now? I recorded my interview with him on my tablet. I want to share with you my friend's success story, his humble beginnings and the challenges he faced.
My friend lost his wife two years ago. This loss has prompted him to start a new life and he decided to start his business. He had a very hard time recovering from the loss. They were very attached to each other. There was no day that they were ever far apart. Their bond strengthened more as their children grew up, got married and moved on with own lives.
They would walk each morning and just enjoy each day being with each other. His wife had died of old age. One day, she was brought to the hospital and they found out that her system was suffering from the ravages of time and her body was just shutting down. She had to be taken care of and my friend took care of her until the day she passed.
Moving forward, she passed away two years ago. It was a very hard for my friend in the first few months trying to deal with his loss. Every day he recorded his feelings on his phone, speaking into it as if he was having a conversation with his wife. It was his way of recovering. He kept the recordings on his phone. A year ago, he listened to these recordings and found a way to actually share them with people who are also experiencing loss.
He posted his recordings on YouTube. The first thing he did was to sign-up and register for an account. After which, he uploaded some of his videos. During that week he had few views. He looked at his videos again and found out that they lacked creativity. He made some changes to his videos. He edited them and waited for another week. He saw that slowly his views were increasing.
It took him six months to finally profit from his business. Today, he is one of the most in-demand motivational speakers on YouTube with million views weekly. His theme is about pain, loss and recovery.
My friend never expected that his experiences of loss would bring him to a successful career. He said it is really true that when God closes a door, He opens a window.
Being a motivational speaker on YouTube is a no-cost business and anyone can do this. If you have a skill in speaking then you might as well try this. Always remember to speak with your heart and create attachment to your viewers.
If you are interested to try this no-cost business, then start thinking of a theme for your motivational video. After you have decided on a theme, you can start making your videos and upload them on YouTube.

Image Classification and the Problem of Overfeeding

Algorithms and artificial intelligence are always being developed to simplify the process of reading and interpreting data. Data is an infinite resource that requires the work of complex artificial intelligence systems known as neural networks.
What Are Neural Networks?
Recommendation systems make active use of neural networks and their ability to learn new things over time. They were designed to replicate natural cognitive abilities through a system of logic and reasoning.
Neural networks are made up of several layers that work together to properly assess and classify data. The various layers communicate with each other - fulfilling sets of variables - in an effort to provide an output; the output is the final layer and the neural networks definitive answer to the data it was asked to assess. The layers are capable of remembering data and they strive to create patterns and correlations based on the data it is fed.
Recommendation systems can benefit from these networks as they will allow them to analyze complex data patterns in an effort to provide useful recommendations that are likely to convert into a return on investment.
Neural Networks and Image Classification
In recent years, neural networks have been created to process data in innovative and complex ways. Image classification calls upon a neural network to spot specific attributes in an image. The network is fed millions of images in order to build a solid foundation of attributes and classifications. As the layers develop, they begin to master specific features and continue to develop a sophisticated understanding of high-level features.
Simplified, a basic identification would notice rough or smooth edges, the intermediate stage may detect shapes or larger components, and the final layer would tie together the attributes into a logical solution. While this process may work in theory, the results can vary and even the most complex algorithms can struggle to properly interpret data. In the end, overfeeding becomes an issue as the algorithm tries to tie together every element that it is asked to detect and process.
Google's Take on Image Classification
Google conducted a series of tests that highlighted the problems with data overfeeding, or in their own words: the process of "inceptionism." In short, inceptionism is the imagined result of an image classification system that is fed an image and interprets something new from the data it was asked to process.
The same problem occurs with recommendation systems when the system becomes too familiar with data and tries to complicate data and create unrealistic recommendations.
The Dog Knight
Google's animal detection algorithm was asked to analyze a picture of a knight. The neural network specialized in detecting animals and had very little experience identifying pictures outside of that context. When it processed the picture of the knight, it saw colors and patterns that it recognized from the millions of animals it had previously analyzed. As the layers communicated, they visualized strange pictures of dog's heads, noses, eyes, and created other odd patterns in the cloudy background. The neural network worked in general, but the process of overfeeding saw it complicate and misinterpret the image.
Abstract Cloud Visualizations
For the next set, an abstract image of clouds was fed into the system. The results were similar to the previous knight image. Instead of classifying the image as a set of clouds, the system overcomplicated the process and rendered various animals like the "admiral dog," "pig-snail," "camel-bird," and "dog fish."
"The results are intriguing-even a relatively simple neural network can be used to over-interpret an image, just like as children we enjoyed watching clouds and interpreting the random shapes. This network was trained mostly on images of animals, so naturally it tends to interpret shapes as animals. But because the data is stored at such a high abstraction, the results are an interesting remix of these learned features," wrote Google on their official research blog.
The Imagined Arm
In this example, the neural network associated dumbbells with an arm lifting them. It had never seen a set of dumbbells without an arm, and thus the various classification layers constructed an entire arm to hold the dumbbells based on their understanding that it was a necessary component even when one did not exist in the original image.
The Self-Imagined Banana
The complexity of neural networks can even create images out of static noise. Google fed its image classification system a picture of millions of random pixels. The neural network's output was a vague picture of banana. Why did this happen? As we continue to learn more about these complicated systems, we are also learning new ways to trick them into finding features that will push the system to identify an image in a specific way.
The Problem With Overfeeding
Neural networks possess infinite potential, but they will continue to struggle unless algorithms can find a way to address the problem of data overfeeding. The layers in a neural network must process the data and reach logical conclusions based on data patterns and learned attributes. However, a paradox presents itself: as layers become more sophisticated and capable of conceptualizing detailed features, they will also fall victim to overthinking these features, similar to what happened in the images above.
Neural networks are powerful tools that will greatly aid recommendation systems as they allow them to build upon a foundation of recommendations. If the problem of overfeeding can be solved, recommendation systems will become increasingly more accurate in their outputs and that will greatly improve the user experience.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Get Free Online Work From Home - Amazing Two Ways to Earn

Say 'No' to fees - You can always get free online work from home. There are plenty of methods to earn money online without having to commit to paying registration fees as some sites will charge you.
Always be careful of these sites that ask you for money because sometimes they may be scammers who are running these sites. Although the online industry has been very efficient in eliminating many scams, there are still a few present in the net as we look at it today.
However, there are also many bona fide businesses on the net that do need to charge you registration fees for you to start working with them. This is not a negative thing actually but if you do not have enough cash to pay for the registration fees then you should really be looking for careers which do not cost a single penny.
Here a list of free online work from home job opportunities:
In these jobs, you only need your skills and nothing more.
1.) E-Book Business: Many people say this is a hard endeavor. The notion of many people about writing books is usually a negative one. How can you possibly finish a book? How many words do I need to write so I can finish a book?
These questions and many more come to mind every time the topic book writing is raised. The next time you think about e-books, think of it in a different way because e-books are actually very easy to make. You just have to know the right strategy. Here is how.
· Choose a topic - There are millions of topics you can write about but only a few may have topics that are of interest to you. Always choose a topic that you are interested in. This will make writing faster and more enjoyable.
Do not be overwhelmed with "hot topics" if they do not fall under your line of interest. This will only tend to diminish the quality of your work. Write something you are very passionate about.
· Create an Outline - An outline is a bulleted form of all the major topics of your book. This will serve as your guide in writing.
· Write your Draft - This is the part where you 'fill in the blanks', you write a few points of interest for each bulleted point. After you have written your draft, it is best that you leave it for two to three days. This will help a lot in the next step.
· Edit your work - Letting your work rest for two to three days will help you spot any errors fast. Most of the time, we really are our own worst editors because we will always be a bit biased about it so if you have someone who can edit it then it would be better.
After you have finished the four major steps above, you can now make your title, cover and design - make it attractive and eye-catching.
2.) Affiliate Marketing: This business does not require you to do anything more but just promote. There are hundreds of retail stores online who sell digital products. All you have to do is to sign up for an account, choose a product of your interest and then promote your product.
Your earning will be profit-based. It will depend on your sales of course. No need for capital, you get to sell someone else's products.
These are the two major free online work from home opportunities you will find on the net.

The Top Two Best Online Jobs

What are the best online jobs you can find? Well, there are actually several viable and practical careers online, but this article will focus on two of the best online jobs you can enter into.
According to research these two online jobs are the most popular and because of their earning potential. Many have already tried these business opportunities and are now in a good financial condition.
These two online jobs require nothing but your talents and skills. Of course, this should be coupled with discipline, patience, time and effort. Without these values, no business of any kind will prosper.
Now you may ask - What are these two top paying online jobs?
1.) E-book Publishing . The reason why this is a very practical business is because of the need and demand for more and more information by consumers. Information is an important aspect of everyday life. Each day, in almost every endeavor, we need information - fast and immediate facts.
How does one get immediate information? It is through e-books which offer assistance and guidance. When you look for immediate help, you do not want to experience having to go to a library.
You might be wondering how you can write a book. The first thing that you have to do is to, of course, search for a topic. In choosing a topic, you must pick something you are passionate about. In this way, your writing will be more heartfelt and meaningful. You will also be able to write faster.
After choosing your topic, it is time to start writing your draft. Your draft will contain everything you know about your topic. Whatever you have researched and read about your topic should be reflected in your draft. After you have written the bulk of it, try to rest and relax. If possible, pause first. Do not rush into doing the next step. Pausing will help you with the next step.
Editing is quite a challenging step in book publishing. This is the reason why you have to pause for a while before you edit. When editing, you should be able to look at your work as a fresh article; view it like a book you have never seen before and refrain from being biased. If possible, forget that it is your work so your editing will be more efficient. On the other hand, you can also always ask somebody else to edit it for you. There are many editors available online.
After you have finished editing your work, you can now proceed to the title. Your title must be able to provide a thrill for the readers. It must be interesting.It must be able to tell what your book is all about. The last two steps in book publishing is the cover and design. This should also be eye-catching. This will serve as the first impression people will see of your book.
After all the steps mentioned above, you can now publish your book and sell it online.
2.) Craft Making, Promotion and Selling. If you are a natural artist or a skilled person then this business is the one you should venture into. There are so many crafts you can make if you are creative. You can make house decorations with recycled materials. In this way, you will not be spending anything and so costs to start will be minimal.
You can also make greeting cards out of magazine cut-outs or trash. Yes you can make so many things out of used water containers or juice containers. These can be made into bags as well.
The sky is the limit in this business and it is up to you and your creativity. After you have created your crafts, you can promote and sell them online. You can start with your social media sites.
Now that you know the top two best online jobs, you can try them now.