Thursday, December 3, 2020

Boosting Posts to Reach a Wider Target With Hashtags

Social media is becoming a big deal in the lives of many people and for businesses as well. It is now being used for marketing prospects and reaching a wider audience is always the preferred scenario. Using Hashtags is very powerful. This is because most people relate to them and some of them end up trending for long periods.

On some platforms, engagement is affected a great deal if a post does not have any Hashtags. Hashtags can therefore help to reach the audience and attract more people to your niche. They help you to be more engaged to people and you create a recognizable and positive image of your brand.

The things to note

We have already established that Hashtags are great for nosiness and personal accounts. They can skyrocket your online business to unbelievable heights. However, when you use them too frequently and without any strategy, then they will be inefficient and pointless at some point.

Since you want the social post to get the greatest engagement, there are things that you should always have in mind so as to attract the targeted audience and enjoy conversions.

Why they are important

Hashtags are quite important in the sorting process of different social media platforms. So many posts are done on a daily basis and it is hard to deliver great content to everyone. Using Hashtags makes it easier for the post to be discovered and getting views.

Hashtags behave as a funnel does. One Hashtags can be very broad and it can attract many posts. However, you should be more specific when you are creating a Hashtags. Do not just say #marketing. Be specific like #digital marketing. This allows you to have posts that are more specific. Most people are looking for specific things, even on social media, you may want recommendations or ideas, and when you search in a more specific ay, Hashtags can actually guide you.

Hashtags help you to put your posts in a category. You can reach a specific audience, and you can be found by the people you are actually targeting. Someone who is interested is more likely to engage with the post because that could be what he or she were looking for in the first place.

It is important to note that just because you are using a popular Hashtags does not mean that more interactions will come automatically. Many people use the same Hashtags and so competition can obscure your post. The Hashtags needs to be narrowed down as much as possible to have the desired effect.


It is very important to carry out research and do it thoroughly. You should be able to know how Hashtags are used so that you do not use too many terms that do not even make sense. You need to do market research, competitor research, and make use of Hashtags research tools. You should collect the terms that are popular and then try to break them down. For businesses, the Hashtags should be branded for uniqueness.

eBook Writing Tips: How to Create a PDF eBook & Market It

Is there a book inside of you? Start with a PDF eBook. Where does your interest lie? Fiction or self-help books? In this article I address both.

To create a PDF eBook either fiction or self-help, it's better you start typing in MS Word document.

If it's a fiction or self-help book you will type, it's better you write out a paper draft and then type it fast on MS Word document.

You just don't want to write an ordinary or average fiction or self-help book. Whether it is a paid or free book you will write to grab the attention of your adequate audience, it's best to write a brilliant, innovative book which your audience will like.

For fiction eBooks write some interesting story from your life experience. In that case you will not have to work hard to make up imaginary characters and come up with a plot. You just have to write the story as you know and type it on MS Word.

On the other hand, self-help books can be in the area of health and fitness, improving confidence or concentration power and the lot. There are lots of books in these niches and so you will have to come up with a killer title with superb, innovative content.

The eBook you write on self-help should give insightful solution(s) to a problem or two. It should be something new that helps to attract readers in your niche.

Fiction and self-help books should have copyright information, disclaimers, table of contents, page numbers, preface, introduction and upcoming chapters on your story in case of fiction or on the self-help title you have chosen for your self-help eBook.

After writing and typing are complete, proofread your chapters thoroughly three times. This gives you the edge in making your eBook free from grammatical/spelling errors.

Your eBook either fiction or self-help should have a glamorous e-cover as well which you can design on your own by getting appropriate images from the web and using matching/contrast colors for fonts of your book title and author's name. You can also choose suitable font styles. Or if you don't want to go through the pain, you can get professional help.

Once your MS Word document is in place and ready, convert it to PDF by using "Save As PDF" option. You can then upload your file to the landing page of your download URL at the backend. Next send the opt-in page URL to your subscribers for your new eBook and also promote it on your Facebook page and website. You are likely to attract a whole lot of subscribers who download your paid or free eBook. This way you not only attract subscribers but also gain publicity of your eBook(s). And once the word is out, more people will subscribe to your newsletters and buy and read your eBooks. Sounds good?

Six Figure Mentors Review - What Does It Take To Succeed?

I joined the SFM back in 2014. At the time it had only been running for four years. I didn't know what to expect but I had been burned a few times online with a number of business type courses promising to help me earn money. My lack of experience back then and my desperation was partly responsible for some of my failures. But also, many courses taught tactics which were already becoming out of date.

Some of the courses I bought taught how to get your website up in the Google rankings. If you've ever tried this, you'll know it isn't easy. It was far easier 20 years ago admittedly. But now, getting ranked for your website is becoming much more difficult.

So back to The SFM. When I joined I decided I needed to start afresh and although I had learned a number of skills, I still hadn't really made any money on the internet. With the exception of buying and selling on eBay, the other strategies I had tried just didn't get any traction.

After joining, I was immediately impressed with the information I was getting. The "over-deliver" strategy clearly worked on me! I also benefitted by joining under someone who helped me make my first couple of high ticket sales. This happened within a few months. However, I didn't fully understand the business system or what was involved. Although I'd made a couple of quick sales, for not much work, I hadn't entirely been responsible for those sales. The affiliate who referred me had set up a Facebook advertising "co-op" and helped a number of people get some traction.

After my first sales, I stopped advertising and simply took the money! This seemed like a lot of money to me back then. It was a couple of thousand pounds. I now realise that I should have re-invested it back into the advertising, which is what I am doing now, now I understand the business better.

Having made an 'early win' gave me confidence in the business system which is one of the main selling points of what The SFM offers. It also offers top-notch training too - more so now than back in 2014 when I joined. Now, I am a member of a number of Facebook private groups which I can sit in on, and watch 'over the shoulder' of those who are succeeding in this business.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't an easy business to learn. Some of my main problems have been my 'grab it and run' mindset and scarcity mindset which has stopped me from taking some important action steps. The SFM training program caters very well for this. In fact, one of their main strengths is undoubtably their ability to install an ideology of personal growth. Without this, you really will be fighting some internal battles as I have definitely done. This will hold you back if you don't overcome your mental barriers to success.

It's not for everyone either, admittedly. The business system itself is expensive and for some prohibitively so. But for anyone wanting to make full time living from the internet, I'd say The SFM is a good place to go. You'll need to work hard and invest though, and it's no easy ride. But it does offer something which many want - a digital business system which can be run from anywhere. The possibility of financial freedom, however far away you believe it to be.

If you only want the training, I'd say that was worth the money at the lower levels too. I had a failing kung fu school running when I joined and now it's doing really well. I attribute that to much of the learning and understanding I have picked up from the SFM training and education platform.

You can't really expect to earn a living though if you only join at basic level. Only by at least getting to Elite level will you be able to access the higher ticket product commissions. But if you want to learn some digital marketing and mindset skills, it's worth the training and community even if you don't want to make a full time career out of it. The community on its own is a hugely powerful resource and has benefitted me both personally and professionally.

After my first couple of high ticket sales, I decided to focus on blogging and the cheaper strategies of generating traffic. I simply didn't have a budget to risk on advertising. I decided that if I got free traffic, the sales would be worth more in profit, which is true. The problem is, the strategy I used (blogging) isn't the best one, particularly in a very competitive niche like affiliate marketing and "money-making online". I know there are people doing well with social media marketing and other free strategies, but I didn't go down this route.

The people who are making the real money with The SFM are those who go all in. They position themselves at the very top tier of the business system and promote the SFM themselves as partner level affiliates. This means they can earn the highest possible commissions from the business. Some products are sold at $35,000. Those at the top level can earn 40% of this in commissions, but they need to purchase the product themselves in order to have it in their 'online store'.

There's a lot of learning to be done too. I thought I'd make it work very quickly and be sitting on a beach counting my money. But as I persevered through the difficulties, I have changed and understood that it's a business like anything else. It's no magic bullet to instant riches. Just a business model with products within it that anyone can sell.

In order to put the most expensive items in your own personal online 'shop', you need to purchase them yourself. Reading the reviews today that I've found about the SFM I see a lot of scepticism. Many say it's a scam. Well, it's not a scam, it's real. But it's easier to say it's a scam and not have to do all the work involved in making it happen. There's plenty of people who are making it work for them, and creating amazing lifestyle businesses of their choosing.

The SFM started in 2010 and have recently partnered with Microsoft Lynda (Under the LInkedIn umbrella of companies). Microsoft Lynda now offer their own 6,500 training courses as part of the SFM curriculum.

DigitalMarketer (The world's longest standing and most highly respected B2B and B2C marketing training company) also partnered with SFM and now offer their own training as part of the SFM curriculum.

I don't think these companies would partner with any organisation that wasn't providing huge value, was well established, and wasn't 100% above board.

Since joining The SFM in 2014, I've seen some huge changes in myself. I've had to face myself and see my own limitations as stopping me move forwards within the business. Your thinking and mindset have a huge amount to do with whether you can make a success out of entrepreneurship. It's much, much easier to discount something as a scam, than it is to look within and grow yourself alongside a business.

If I had quit on my journey, I would have missed out on a greater opportunity than I could fathom at the time. I struggled and struggled, but much of my struggle was with my lack of understanding of the business model and of my own limitations. I was programmed with a poverty mindset which viciously fought against spending money. To get into the space of knowing that I need to spend in order to earn was a huge shift in my mindset.

I'm far from the best performer in The SFM, at this time, but what I've learned about myself and about my inner limitations is invaluable for the rest of my life. I will continue to learn and never quit, so watch this space, you doubting sceptics out there!

For those who are thinking about joining The SFM and to do so would mean severe poverty, I'd suggest to get in a better financial position first. I scraped by and took some chances, but it's not easy. If you are determined in this business though, there's no reason you can't make it happen. But if you can't afford it, I'd suggest another program if it's going to put you in debt.

The SFM program is more than just a sales funnel with digital products in it. It's an "all-in-one digital business system and training platform. The goal is to make long term digital entrepreneurs who can sustain an income and thrive from the sale of products over the internet. That means there's a whole lot of work to be done, if you're going to make this a full time living.

It's definitely not for the timid. Expect to be pushed, and expect some discomfort if you're going to do what you need to make it work. Remember too that affiliate marketing is performance related. No one owes you a living! You need to take charge of yourself and your business in order to make it work! Good luck!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

5 Digital Marketing Basics You Should Know in 2019

Digital marketing consists of a lot of strategies. In fact, it's a holistic approach to do different types of marketing activities across different online platforms. These methods get upgraded on a regular basis as new technologies emerge across the globe. Therefore, digital marketing has grown significantly over the past few years. If you are new to this field, you may want to read the basics of digital marketing explained below.

1. Invest in machine Learning and Artificial intelligence (AI)

First of all, the artificial intelligence (AI) will be quite popular in the coming years. Machine learning is another important part of digital marketing.

In the near future, social media bots will play a great role as far as connecting with potential customers is concerned. So, you may want to give more importance to social media if you want to communicate with your customers in an effective manner. According to experts, about 85% of customers will interact with bots to get the information they need.

2. Share your videos on Social Media

In 2019, make sure you share your business videos across different social media platforms. Unlike the images or written content, a good video is more effective as far as grabbing the eyes of the visitors is concerned. This is really important if you are going to market on the leading platforms, such as Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook.

According to the latest research, 80% of people like to watch videos on the internet. They don't want to read articles or blog posts that much.

3. Optimize your sites for Mobile Devices

In 2019, your marketing strategies should be focused on mobile technology as well. According to the latest Google algorithm, your site should be optimized for mobile phones or you may get a penalty from Google.

Nowadays, mobile phones are one of the most popular devices across the globe. The new year will grow the mobile video consumption by up to 30%. On the other hand, the demand for desktop computers and laptops will continue to decline.

4. Consider Mobile apps

In the world of digital marketing, mobile technology is the latest innovation. As a matter of fact, it's one of the most effective digital marketing tools in the here and now.

With the help of this cellular technology, you can compete with your competitors to stay ahead in the field. Without any doubt, if you have a mobile responsive website, you can grow your business to a large extent.

So, you may want to tap into the mobile apps as well. One such app is Whatsapp business. According to a source, mobile apps have generated $88 billion, give or take, in recent years.

5. Focus on the Customer Experience

For your business, customers play the same role your blood plays in your body. Therefore, it's important that you work on the consumer experience. This will help you increase your sales over time.

If your customers are satisfied with your products or service, they will keep coming back for more.

So, these are the tips that you may want to consider to improve your digital marketing campaigns in 2019.

What Is the Next Level for the Internet?

Ever wondered how the Internet could be upgraded? What would be required or expected? Read on to find out.

Here they are:

  1. Having controls or censorship of some kind
A five-year old kid should not be able to access pornography sites for instance, and there should be some kind of controls or censorship embedded within the web monitoring them.
  1. More master classes and online webinars
They could be about a hot topic regarding your niche and what you have researched and found. They could be about promoting a digital program or product you own.
  1. More surveys
They could be about what your subscribers want to know more about or utilize more. They could be about what they want more of. An online survey, correctly constructed, would help to reveal all that.
  1. More videos and audio
More videos regarding a digital product or program you want to promote could be created. It helps you earn more sales and earn popularity if you built your product right with great demand. Make known to as many people as you can about your product through videos and you will soar.

Meditation audio is very popular and there are many kinds of them available now. They are concerned with the mind and help to soothe the mind. So try out these audio and you may get an amazing breakthrough. Creators of these audio promise they will work awesome even while you sleep and others which will work fantastically while you get ready for work.

  1. More Email Marketing
Sending emails to your subscribers list and letting them know of your smashing brand new product(s) are what email marketing is about. Gradually let them know why they would benefit from your product(s) and what is rich and invigorating about them.
  1. Promotion on Social Media
You can also advertise your products via social media. Subscribers like to use social media as well. So if you could let them know about your fabulous products on this platform, you could benefit as well.
  1. Blogging
You can blog innovative ideas on a certain topic in your niche or blog simply to introduce your new book or any other product to bring attention of your readers. Blogging will definitely become more rampant when you take the internet to the next level.
  1. Article Writing
Yes, article writing is another way to introduce your ideas to the world. It is also a good medium to promote your book or digital product in the promotional area and you will start to get positive responses as well.
  1. Mighty reign of Amazon
Amazon depth will be larger selling even wider range of products. Book marketing via Amazon will always be good for the benefits of society, nation and world.

Summing up, these are a few pointers where internet could get even more visibility if you would like to take it to the next level. In fact, the existing pointers show where the internet is already doing good and could do even better and better as days go by.

The Internet Lifestyle For College Students

The reality that most college students are facing when they graduate from school are either.


They will not be able to find a job.


If they do find a job, it won't be the one that they want to work at.

Which is why starting an internet business in their dorm room and working on it around their schedule is the best option for them.

Many go out and do part-time work, but that is really a waste of time.

Students would better off using that same amount of time to working on an internet business that will start bringing them in passive income.

There are 2 types of income that you can earn.

Active income- the amount you are paid for by the hour for being there.

Passive Income- money coming to you, whether or not you working or not!!

See the difference?

Your main goal in your career is to set up a business that allows you to earn MASSIVE passive income daily!!

This is what the schools aren't teaching their students and it is a huge problem in our society.

Okay, now that you understand the difference between active and passive income.

Here are the 4 steps to starting your online business from your dormitory and living the internet lifestyle.

1). Target a market or niche.

2). Set-up a 1-page opt-in site.

3). Drive a lot of traffic to that site.

4). Monetize that traffic.

This is an outline of what your internet business should look like.

Now, let's go little more into details here about each step.

Targeting a niche.

Do your research and find out what type of problems your classmates are facing in school or look to find a product or market that is being underserved.

Once you find it.

Go get a product or service that can solve that problem.

It's really that simple.

Also, make sure that the market you choose is full of hungry prospects.

Because the market will always determine the niche that you choose to go into to.

After you find your affiliate product.

Buy a domain name and set up a 1-page site.

You will need to write up a short 12-page report that you give away to people who opt-in to your newsletter.

Your report must be of value to your prospect, because you want to build trust with them with this report.

Next, do videos to drive traffic to your site.

I would interview experts in your niche and then link your site in the resource box.

Start a Facebook group as well.

Write a few articles or share them in your newsletter.

Okay now.

The next thing is to start making money from all your previous efforts.

You should have already signed up with a ClickBank/Commission Junction and any other affiliate program.

It's free too, so don't worry about that.

I like to contact companies who don't have an affiliate program and then help them create one and create a distribution channel from there.

Look, this is just an outline that any college student can use to get started.

Keep this in mind too.

This only cost you about 30$ to start and you can use the money from your sells to reinvest in growing it to 6 figures.


Get started today on doing your market research and find a hungry market and then follow the steps I gave you here in this article!

Good luck!

3 Easy Ways To Earn Money Online For Free

If you're reading this right now, then I have a few guesses about you - you need to make money online, you need to do it fast, and you don't have a lot of time.

Or maybe you're already earning money online and you just want to grow your online income. Whatever your reason is, I've got you. Because today I'll be showing you three easy ways to earn money online for free.

I don't want to bore you with a long introduction so let's jump to the good part.

3 easy ways to make extra money online for free.

1. CPA offers

To make money this way, just sign on or After login you'll be provided with a lot of offers to promote.

Once you have picked the one you like most you can forward it to some friends you think will be interested via email. If your friends like the offers, you'll get paid each time your friends sign up for any free offer you promote to them. The amount you'll get for each sign up can range from $0.50 to a couples of dollars.

If you have large following on social media you can make even more money promoting it there.

2. GPT (Get Paid To) Sites

These websites will pay you to perform simple tasks like completing surveys, watching videos, reviewing products, and so on. To make money with this simple method sign up on any or even all of these websites -, or

These sites have been around for over ten years now and each of them have paid over ten million dollars to their members all around the world.

They have truly stood the test of time and they are some of the most trusted sites on this planet when it comes to making money online.

3. Website Testing

Sites like and will pay you to test and review different websites on your mobile phone or laptop. They pay around $10 for each website you test.

They accept people from every country and they always pay on time. In fact, if you could only use one of these three methods to earn money online, I would recommend website testing.

So there you go - 3 easy ways to earn money online for free. Which of the three ways will you try out first? Which other website am I leaving out? Let me know in the comment section.;area=summary;u=1254782

How Outfy Can Increase Your eBay Sales

Are you a seller on eBay? If you are, one of the things you want out of it is to make a profit. You've done everything to make your products look well in their photos. You have also built up a reliable and dependable profile. Yet, the sales aren't where you want them. That's where outside sources come in to help you.

Have you heard of or tried Outfy? It's a website that can help you increase sales from your eBay seller profile. It has a variety of services and tools to help you achieve your profit goals. One of the best ways to increase your eBay sales is to invest in social media promotion, which is exactly what this ingenious tool can help you with.

Why Choose Outfy
Outfy offers its users a quick and easy solution to share their products on different social media platforms.

It groups all your social media in one place and keeps track of which them perform better than others. It's like having a dashboard where you can organize and manage all your social media. You can "collect" your products from your eBay seller profile and share it on your social media platforms within seconds.

Outfy supports the following social media platforms:

You won't have to keep track of different social media accounts again with Outfy's simple solution.

How Outfy Can Increase Your eBay Sales
Outfy offers a variety of tools and services to help increase your sales and traffic to your eBay store. In this section, I'll outline the different tools you can use.

Set Posts to "Autopilot"
When you set your store to "autopilot" it saves you a lot of time from posting yourself. You can set and change your daily or weekly posting schedule. To make your posts sound more authentic don't use the robotic generated themes and hashtags.

Impactful SALE Promotions
You can make your product photos look more professional with this tool. It lets you create the image you want without the need for graphic design knowledge.

Connect All Stores
If you sell products on sites other than eBay you can connect them all through Outfy. Just like Gmail accounts, you can switch between them easily without signing in and out.

Auto Sync
Outfy syncs up with your eBay store so any changes you make on your selling page is automatically done with Outfy. It saves you a lot of time making sure each place has the same text and there aren't any discrepancies.

Budget Friendly
You pay for what you use instead of a monthly bill or auto charge to your credit or debit card. Basically, you pay per post which is about 2.5 cents at the lowest. Or, you can buy a bundle of posts that never expire. This makes it easy for you to control your budget and grow your eBay seller account.

Outfy on the Go
To help you manage your eBay store even after you leave the house, Outfy has a mobile app that works for both Apple and Android products. It has all the same features to help keep your business on top.

I hope this post has convinced you to give Outfy a try! I'm sure, like other users, you'll like it and see your eBay sales grow!

Weeding Through the Sea of Website Service Solicitations

I recently went to a luncheon and introduced myself to the person sitting next to me. I told him who I was and that I was a website designer, he shared with me that he gets emails from people who do what I do all the time and that he got five that day. I mentioned to him that I myself get a lot of website sales emails even though I build websites for a living. There is a tremendous hunger to stand out from the rest in all businesses, however, the volume of website solicitations in which this person received was mind blowing. Almost SPAM-ish. It made me think how many more people may also get this volume of solicitation from companies within the tech industry. This brief conversation taught me a hard reality within my industry, not only from a customer's perspective but from an industry perspective.

Once a person becomes interested in getting a website built, the website design solicitation emails may become of more interest. The professionalism within the tech industry ranges from "I know enough to get a website going" to being a highly specialized custom websites professional. How can you tell between the good and bad website professionals through a solicitation? The answer is, you can't. I've met many folks who've gotten into contracts with companies that don't perform to what they were promise, or, they can't get a hold of the professional after trying for months and when they do their updates takes weeks to get done if all. If you get an interesting email solicitation bookmark it. Narrow it down further by taking into consideration if they are local, national or international. Of course price will narrow the search down as well. It comes down to the quality of product and customer service at this point. If you want to take it further, get references from the professionals you interview or look on their website for a list of customers and call them yourself. This can help give you a better understanding from the customer on their work ethic.

The tech industry is growing every day, expanding into different markets and opening a need for other user experiences and automation algorithms. Since around 2013 there has been a big boom in design and tech trends to accommodate all devices. With that boom came a lot more talent, not so talented and a hunger for business. In the end, it only leads to more solicitations. Be cautious, but sometimes, your spam or junk folder can open new doors to better service.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Glossary of PCI Terms

Here is a glossary of terms associated with PCI.

Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV)

In order to be PCI Compliant, you will require a successful scan certificate from an Approved Scanning Vendor. An ASV will certify you that you are up to all the technical requirements. ASVs are enlisted by PCI SSC on the basis of their performance.

Audit log

It is the record of activities of system up to a certain date; but it should have enough details to track back sequence of events that go from the beginning of transaction to the end.

Card holder Data (CD)

Cardholder data contains full Primary Account Number (PAN). Cardholder data also contains the following information:

· Name of the Cardholder
· Expiration Date
· Service Code (optional)

Card holder Data Environment (CDE)

It is an environment containing all the processes and technology including the people that process, transmit or store customer cardholder information or authentication information. CDE also includes connected system components and virtualization technology like applications, servers etc.


The conversion of text into coded form is known as encryption. Only the people having the specific decrypting codes can get access to such data and only through a specific cryptographic key this data can be accessed. This puts a barrier between unauthorized disclosure and the encryption and decryption process.

File Integrity Monitoring

This concludes if the files or logs have been changed or altered in any way. When specific important files or logs are changed, PCI sends notifications and alerts to the security personnel.


This technology keeps the network protected from unauthorized access by limiting or stopping traffic among networks having different security level based on specific criteria. Hosting options of PCI Compliance has various types of firewalls, including dedicated firewall appliances, virtual private firewalls, and shared firewalls.

Intrusion Detection Service (IDS)

This is the software or hardware that gives alerts about network or system intrusions. This system might have alert sensors, a centralized logging system and monitoring options to keep track of events.

Intrusion Prevention Service (IPS)

It is same as the Intrusion Detection Service, while IDS detects the intrusions the IPS tries to prevent the intrusions or possibly block the intrusions detected by the IDS.

Penetration Test

This is a test conducted on applications and network and also on processes and controls, to check any vulnerability and to know about how much at risk is the security and how openly can security be accessed or breached.

Primary Account Number (PAN)

The Primary Account Number is also known as unique payment card number or account number that gives details about the cardholder account and the issuer, it is used for either credit or debit cards.

Private Network

Private networks consider using private IP address space and their access must be protected through firewalls and routers from a public network.

Service Provider

Service provider is a non-payment brand entity that processes, stores or transmits payment cardholder data. Any company that affects the security of the payment cardholder information is included as the service provider, i.e. a company providing management services or a company providing hosting services by managing firewalls, IDS, etc.

How Technology Advancements Has Its Impact on Us

The advancement of new technology has been taking place since the beginning of human history. From the invention of items like the spear and knives made out of rocks and sticks to aid in the capturing and killing of animals for food, to items like the first printing press and the computer. The question: are the impacts positive or negative?

Technology is a word used to collectively describe or portray the advancements, abilities,creations, undertakings, views, and knowledge of a singular group of persons: we as human-kind. The advancement in technology has been exceptionally fast in the 20th and 21st century. With electronic technology and machines being produced and improved all the time, it was very likely that along with the positive aspects of these new advancements, people would also consider the negative aspects and look to criticize new technology.

A Positive Side

As the old age states "NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION" i.e. necessities tend to spawn inventions and each invention is annexed with the need of betterment and transmogrification. Newer and newer advances are happening by the day. Technological change is in large part responsible for many of the secular trends in such basic parameters of the human condition as the size of the world population, life expectancy, education levels, material standards of living,and the nature of work, communication, health care, war, and the effects of human activities on the natural environment.

Other aspects of society and our individual lives are also influenced by technology in many direct and indirect ways, including governance,entertainment, human relationships, and our views on morality, mind, matter, and our own human nature. Needless to add that these advancements also invigorate economic development as the effective use of technology reduces the material production cost and the overhead charges which generate savings in the economy and thus lead to national development.

And the Negative Side

Problems and potentials often go hand in hand; Society has become more and more dependent on technology. So much so that we sometimes lack the willingness to think before we act. We become impatient if it takes more than a few seconds to download a copy of the morning news paper. We expect immediate responses to our email, and we expect someone to answer their cell phone whenever and wherever we call.

Technology is making us so bust that we can can't even find time to spend with our closed one's. it would be surprising to know that people are in contact through chat and online messaging though they are in same city because they think its more faster and effective but they are forgetting that meeting personally can never replace online chatting.

"technology in sum, is both friend and enemy"

Neil Postman, author of the book called Technopoly, writes that 'technology in sum, is both friend and enemy'. He can see the benefits and how technology can be seen as a friend to humanity that 'it makes life easier, cleaner and longer'. He can accept it does humanity good. It's almost a positive claim based on technology like medical advancements such as x-ray devices and medical drugs that help to lengthen life and help humanity. This is a very positive aspect of the advancement because we can improve health and lengthen our lives. But these medical advancements are mainly produced by companies, who then choose to monetize the advancement. Moral responsibility is weakened by this greed for money; they have lost the objective in saving lives or making people healthy again. They are only creating advancements in technology in order to make a lot of money.

Neil Postman also sees technology as undermining human processes as well. That technology creates 'a culture without moral foundation' and undermines social relations between humans. This can currently be seen with the argument over social networking sites on the internet. It was created for people to communicate and network, yet some people use it as their only form of communication with other people. This doesn't necessarily help their social skills in the real and outside world away from the internet. People can become addicted and reliant on this technology and use it as their main form for creating social relations. It makes things like understanding facial expressions and body language hard to grasp.


If technological advancements are put in the best uses, it further inspires the development in related and non-related areas but at the same time its negative use can create havoc in the humanity or the world. Technology has, and will, change the moral fabric of humanity; it is up to the present generation to heed this warning and not allow such societal travesties of immense proportions ever to occur again Technological Advancements will continue to advance rapidly as we move into the next millennium. What is important is to ensure that these advances benefit humanity as a whole...

Where Do You Go to Get PCI Compliant?

PCI, also known as PCI DSS which stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, is an industry that runs the standards and the measures of security of businesses that transmit, store, process, and accept credit card information. Organizations that are PCI Compliant don't get much data breaches, which lead to exposure of cardholder data. If you own a business and it deals with credit card payments then you are required to meet the PCI DSS standards. You can become PCI compliant by asking your card brand to lead you through the process.

The PCI Security Standards Council is a group that studies the uprising PCI security issues and hence develops programs and standards to get hold of the reliability of payment card system.

Categories of PCI compliance

PCI Compliance is divided into six main categories:

· Access Control
· Data Protection
· Monitoring
· Secure Network
· Security Policy
· Vulnerability Management

Access Control

Put Access Control into practice. Limit the password access to your system, every employee should only have access to the password he needs for his job only. Explain them that it is best for both customers and employees. If your business gets breached then investigating the matter will be easy due to restricted access to network.

Data Protection

Keep the data protected and save the physical records of customer and cardholder information, either by a physical lock and key or a card system. If your business includes manual processing of credit card then limit the access to receipts and slips by locking up them safely. If the data is stored in your network then it should be encoded and kept behind the company's firewall.


Monitor your network by providing each terminal and user a unique ID number. This way in times of a breach IT professionals will find it easy to know from where the attack took place.

Secure Network

Create a secure network by keeping your firewalls updated and working. Under no circumstances let your firewalls go down and don't give employees permission to disable firewalls for any reason.

Security Policy

Make a security policy by changing the passwords every now and then. As soon as the passwords are given by vendor change them immediately. Apply same password change policy on your employees. Change your passwords on a regular basis as instructed by the vendor.

Vulnerability Management Program

Develop a vulnerability management program by keeping your system protected with the correct anti-virus software. Also prohibit the addition of software like games that might compromise the system.

Penalties for PCI DSS Violations

It is better to understand that what might happen if PCI DSS requirements are violated. A business that is not PCI Compliant is most likely to pay fines, sanction and is likely to end up losing his rights from processing credit card information. If being non compliant results in data loss; then the business is likely to pay higher fines and some additional huge fines from the credit card brands and banks. Businesses not being PCI Compliant might subject to lawsuits and governmental actions for not being able to protect customer data.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Craze Of On-Demand Apps: It's Booming And Is Here To Stay

Mobile applications development companies have been well answering to the call of on-demand economy and sweating it out to build apps that will get services to the doorsteps of consumers. When in need of a car to ride away or a maid to take care of their homes, people today can just go through their mobile screens, open an app and hire the same. While the on-demand economy will thrive because it is making daily lives of people more resourceful by providing them great convenience, there are multiple business sectors that are leveraging the idea of on-demand apps.

Let's discuss some of the prominent business areas where on-demand services app is playing its part well and generating new revenue streams for the entrepreneurs.

#1 Local services

The story of on-demand services started out when some local shops or food stores started delivering their products on the doorsteps of consumers staying with a proximate range. App has been the medium for customers to view their products and place orders.

Following the trend, many big and small food-centres, grocery stores, clothing and retail outlets started out with their own on-demand deliveries. Major triggers for the customers to use their apps are the comfort of shopping from home, bit cheaper prices, can search over a range of products, and can even shop from the stores which are not at a convenient location.

#2 Personal Utility services

Use of on-demand apps also shore up tremendously in the realm of personal utility and healthcare services. Apps in these segment include services of stylists, fitness trainers, therapists, body spa, tailoring and so forth. While to avail any of these, people earlier have to either walk into the services centres or call beforehand to get appointments, with apps they are now getting all personal and healthcare treatment at their homes.

With easy-to-use apps, people can now view the types of services offered, hire an executive and get themselves served. Even payments are going cashless with such apps, as customers have the option to make in-app payments using credit/debit cards.

#3 Transportation

There's no stopping to the evolution of on-demand services in travel and transportation. Perhaps the fastest growing type of apps business, 'private cars on hire' is the recent buzz of all metropolitan towns and cities. Also available with facilities of pool or shuttle, on-demand cab services are gradually overshadowing the conventional taxis, available less and from the stands. Contrary to this, people can now hire a cab right from their present location. They get to see the cabs available in their proximity via the app and tap on 'hire' to get themselves picked up.

#4 Homecare Services

There's more of the on-demand apps! Apart from personal care, they are now available for different household services including laundry, home cleaners, cooks, electricians, plumbers, babysitters, pet sitters, etc. So, instead of searching for services providers from different sources and approaching them personally, they can use apps. They are performing the role of a middle-man between the homemakers and the services centers. Furthermore, with such an app, service providers can now tap profits from the distant markets apart from the locals.

To cut it short, on-demand mobile applications development is booming fast. Even before companies can realise what an on-demand app can do to their business, consumers are getting crazy over the trend. And, why not? Those apps are like mini-guide in their pockets, helping them get what they want in minutes. Soon a time may come when people won't venture out of their homes to look for a service or product.;area=summary;u=1204086

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Website Value Appraisal: How to Evaluate Your Website's Value

Although there are many tools for calculating a website's worth online, they may not always be accurate. It is for this reason that you ought to understand how to evaluate the value of your website. For example, some of these websites use only income gained from Google AdSense. This is wrong because numerous websites have many other income streams other than Google AdSense. Secondly, income from Google AdSense cannot be considered the standard of measuring ad income since it's actually very low.

Another factor that has been wrongly used to measure the value of a website is Alexa ranking. Although this is a widely used measure, it is mainly based on the amount of traffic to a given website. To be considered, users must have an Alexa toolbar installed. This eliminates the count of many other visitors to a given site. Secondly, a high number of visitors to any given site does not necessarily equate to a high income. Income is mainly based on the business model that any site employs.

Accurate Methods of Determining a Website's Value

Although these methods may appear tedious, they are the best approach in determining how much a website is worth. Another factor to bear in mind is that only a website's owner can accurately calculate its worth. This is because only he or she has custody of the website's data.

1. Amount of Revenue Generated

There are numerous ways to monetize a website. The most common include:

  • Offering ad space - examples include AdSense, Infolinks, and affiliates.
  • Product sales - examples include eBooks, brand caps, and T-shirts.
  • Subscription based payments - examples include online courses and membership based resources.

A website that has these, or any other way of generating income can be valued based on the amount of money it generates daily, monthly, or yearly.

2. The Age of a Website

This offers additional value to a website because search engines, especially Google place more value on it. This is based on a number of parameters including:

  • Brand recognition - the older a site is, the higher the possibility that it has grown into a known brand.
  • Number of backlinks - older websites have more backlinks that newer ones meaning higher traffic.
  • Trust - People will definitely place more trust in an older website than one that has just been created.

Although there may not be a definite monetary value, age places an older website at a higher value.

3. Domain Name

The factor you should consider here is the market potential of the domain name. A domain name can determine a brand's competitiveness, marketability, and SEO. An easily recognizable domain name is easy to find and remember. This automatically translates to higher traffic and therefore higher potential income.

4. SEO Analysis

Websites vary greatly in terms of the way SEO has been applied. A site that has high quality SEO is definitely more visible than one that doesn't. As such, it will be of higher value.

5. Web Content

There are websites that automatically attract numerous visitors, including unique pageviews due to the quality and the value of their content. One such example is a news site that is well written and has new content every day. Others are educational sites. Such sites will bear higher values owing to the value of their content. This is also an indicator of the amount of work that has been put into building the site.

6. A Website's Assets

These are all the additional features that a website has in addition to the basic structure. These can include:

  • An advanced theme
  • An email list
  • Professional type plugins
  • A premium domain name

7. Traffic

A website that attracts a high amount of traffic has a higher potential of business than one that doesn't. The higher the traffic, the higher the market value.

Top 5 Free Website Worth Calculators

The tools listed below are some of the best free tools for checking a website's worth, based on the parameters they use.

1. Website Value

Website Value is free website value calculator that helps rank and estimate the value of your website using Alexa and Google rankings. Plus, it is able to estimate how much daily ad revenue your website brings in.

2. Website Outlook

This site evaluates the worth of a website based on Alexa Ranking, Dmoz listing, revenue from ads, daily page views, and so on. It is popular because it also offers suggestions on how to further improve the value of your site.

3. Your Website Value

The Your Website Value team brings 18 years of experience to help you appraise the worth of your website. It shows your web traffic graphically and also gives you a score based on how fast your page loads so you can troubleshoot potential drops in user traffic based on speed performance.

4. Website Value Calculator

Values not only scores your website but also gives you the name and value of the top websites online so you'd have an idea of how your site compares to more famous names like Google or Twitter.

5. Site Price

This is a free tool that uses an assortment of factors to calculate the worth of a given website. Its key pricing parameters include:

  • Number of daily visitors
  • Backlinks available
  • Visibility within search engines

BiggieTips - Tips and Tricks for your daily life ( )

We are dedicated to BIG TIPS to help you get things done more efficiently. You will master how to do everything in a bigger way and live smarter. Topics include Home, Health, Lifestyle, Travel, Technology, Entertainment, Business and Video.;area=summary;u=1183463

The Importance of Knowing and Following All YouTube Rules

As it was formerly pointed out, if you are preparing on submitting videos to YouTube and sharing them with other web users, you are more likely to discover a bigger number of guidelines to follow. YouTube motivates you to utilise care when making your videos, as you never ever truly understand who will be seeing them. Not just do you have to stress about online predators seeing your YouTube videos, however you likewise have to fret about law enforcement doing the exact same thing.

In connection with your YouTube video material, you likewise require to make sure that your video material is in fact yours. In current times, there have actually been numerous circumstances where YouTube made it on the news for having a big number of copyright products on their site. You will desire to make sure that videos you publish online were really made by you.

If you are, you will require signing up for a complimentary YouTube subscription account. In a matter of minutes, you can be on your method to ranking or evaluating the YouTube videos you enjoy or even submitting your own videos!

In a matter of minutes, you can be on your method to ranking or evaluating the YouTube videos you enjoy or even publishing your own videos! YouTube is a lot of enjoyable, whether you are just interested in seeing videos or if you desire to publish your own, YouTube, like all other online sites, have a number of limitations and guidelines. Must you forget your YouTube login info; you must be able to follow YouTube's guidelines to obtain your YouTube indication in name, as well as your password.

Another guideline that lots of video watchers have to follow issues leaving remarks on YouTube video pages or getting involved in the YouTube online forums. In connection with your YouTube video material, you likewise require to make sure that your video material is really yours.

If you are just interested in enjoying YouTube videos, not always submitting your own, you will discover that there are fewer guidelines and constraints for you. Need to you forget your YouTube login info, you ought to be able to follow YouTube's guidelines to obtain your YouTube indication in name, as well as your password.

The above discussed guidelines are simply a few of the lots of that you might be anticipated to follow when utilising YouTube. If you sent a video that went versus YouTube's standards, your video might be gotten rid of.

Another guideline is that numerous YouTube video watchers have to follow issues leaving remarks on YouTube video pages or taking part in the YouTube online forums. Whenever you leave remarks for a YouTube video submitter, you are encouraged to utilize your finest judgment.

YouTube is a lot of enjoyable, whether you are just interested in seeing videos or if you desire to publish your own, YouTube, like all other online sites, have a number of limitations and guidelines. It is not just essential that you understand those guidelines, however that you follow them, as there are a variety of repercussions for not. Simply a few of the guidelines imposed on YouTube are detailed listed below.

1. You should only have one email address linked with your account.
2. You should certainly not post duplicate content.
3. You should always make your videos applicable to its title & keywords.
4. You should not ever purchase views.
5. You should certainly not ever use software to add ratings, comments, or friends automatically.
6. You should not use irrelevant keywords
7. With YouTube's new insight feature, they are following the attention people are giving to each video. YouTube can understand this and then easily assume that your title is very relevant to the information on the video if people are watching your entire video.

8. The Google search ranking rules of providing good, decent and, accurate content that generate public attention are exactly the same rules that You Tube is using as well so bear that in mind when choosing the title.

So these are all some common stipulations you should keep in mind before publishing any video in YouTube.;area=summary;u=1178104