Monday, May 30, 2016

Working Online: Speed Bump No. 2 - Others

As soon as word gets out that you're shifting gears to a career working online and in cyberspace, a bevy of brotherhood appears, willing and able to suggest both meaningful and frivolous ways to fill what they perceive as your movement to permanent vacation status. So how do you ward off these albeit well meaning predators eager to fill your day with their priorities? Apply the axiom, "the best defense is a good offense." Arm yourself with two power tools: Anticipation and Planning. Let's look at a few scenarios that threaten to sabotage even the best of intentions if you relegate Anticipation and Planning to a back seat.
The first scenario: take a hard look at the family calendar. It undoubtedly features the typical list of doctors' appointments, school events, sports venues, and social gatherings. Now that you've become a cyberworker, your misguided family members all assume that they now have first and permanent dibs on your 'free time'. Your 9-year-old forgot his lunch. He expects you to deliver it ASAP. Your spouse has misplaced his/her cell phone, and enlists you to join him/her in a desperate frenzied search. Somehow the family pet has 'flown the coop', and there appears to be no one to track the critter's location. What to do? Everyone is just assuming that you're the only one 'free' to resolve all these real or imagined crises.
Use this as your touchstone for whether you need to or should respond. Ask yourself: If I worked in the traditional brick and mortar world, how would I handle this? Is there any reason why I should respond differently now? Then proceed accordingly. Conventional wisdom suggests that, in all the above situations, you would not have felt compelled (or allowed) to leave your office desk or your production station to respond. Rather, you would have proposed alternative solutions that did not interrupt or interfere with your work.
The second scenario: your personal friends and professional colleagues are calling. They want you to meet for lunch and a movie matinee, go rock climbing, join them for that retirement planning seminar. Here's the two part Anticipation and Planning solution. First, publish and declare your work schedule, formally and informally. Let everyone know the extent of your workday and make it clear that you are not available for social rendezvous during those time periods.
Next, realize that it is not only possible, but recommended that you mix business and pleasure. But, to avoid impulsive, last minute decisions to 'play hooky' when that cell phone rings, employ Anticipation and Planning. Yes, by all means, schedule liaisons with personal friends and professional colleagues. The operative word is schedule in advance. In fact, you might find it practical to build into your monthly work schedule such activities as: an extended shopping spree with friends; a business luncheon with associates; a continuing ed course that advances your work and makes you more marketable; a lone trip to your favorite ice cream shoppe! But remember, all these excursions have been part of your Anticipation and Planning modus operandi. They do not in any way interfere with or disrupt your work. Rather, you should view them as enhancements and contributions to your professional productivity and success.
Lastly, as with all these situations, let reason prevail. Of course, you should respond 'yes' when your favorite nephew, who you haven't seen in months, calls you from the nearest airport. He has a four-hour flight delay, and wonders if you could meet him for a drink. Why would you ever refuse? Or just yesterday you learned that today your 3rd grader is being honored in a school-wide assembly with a state award for his creative, innovative science invention. Don your proud parent persona and head out that door! Again, let common sense and balance rule the day. As a professional, you fully embrace the concepts of responsibility, reliability, and accountability.
Next, stay tuned for Speed Bump No. 3 - Life.

Cloud Design Management: Keeping Businesses Afloat

A cloud design management business is a growing niche that a talented IT professional should be able to easily tap into. And with a growing number of companies using public clouds, the need for capable management is growing daily. Now is the time to get in on this area of the IT market if you are so inclined.
Though more and more companies are making use of new technology, such as public clouds, many of them don't have the knowledge or skill to handle their own cloud usage. And that usage can be complicated, especially if it is on the large scale or high-end level. The more processes that are involved, the more critical it is to have someone in the know managing it all.
This is especially important given the fact that users of public clouds do not have ownership of the cloud hosting equipment nor do they have full visibility or control. That means that their vital data is out there beyond their control unless they have someone working directly for them who can understand and manage the cloud hosting process.
Unfortunately for them, most companies either can't afford someone with that kind of knowledge or simply don't have anyone on staff who can do the job. So where do they turn to fulfill this extremely urgent need? Now you can see why having a cloud design management business could give you the advantage. You could position yourself as the go to person for all of their cloud management needs.
You have several options when it comes to setting up this kind of business. You can either position yourself directly as a Cloud Services Brokerage (CSB) or as a bridge between a company and an existing CSB. Either way you'd have a hand in consolidating cloud services from various providers and giving a company direct access to all of those services using a single portal.
No matter how you look at it, you'd be helping companies to stay on top of their own data, which would in turn allow their business to run more smoothly, providing optimum service to their customers. When the data storage and sharing process works right, it's a win-win situation for everyone involved, so the motivation is there for companies to seek out expert help.
Your role as an independent IT professional with an online business is to market yourself as exactly the expert they need. Showcase the knowledge that allows you to handle any kind of cloud design needs, using any of the basic types of provisioning: user self-provisioning, advanced or dynamic. You can advise companies as to which is the best way for them to go and then put together a design that helps to manage all of their cloud computing needs.
The number of users of cloud computing is growing every day, and that means an increased need for superior, knowledgeable cloud management. Consider a cloud design management business and you could launch your IT career into the stratosphere right along with them!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What to Think About When Starting an On Line Business From Your Home

When starting out working from your home the first and foremost thing is, like in any business how to finance this. The great thing about operating a business from your home is of course that there are no great startup costs but you still need to finance your everyday life.
You almost certainly have a calculation of expected revenues but you need to calculate these for yourself, many start out with promises and calculations made by someone else and these are often overly optimistic or at least based on a "best case" situation and you need to calculate from "worst case" to be on the safe side.
If you have a job that you intend to keep at least for starters you will almost certainly not have as much time to work your business that you need, at least if you seriously try to earn enough money to replace your income.
In that case you need to at least quadruple the time expectations before you start getting any income from your business. This is otherwise a great way to start as you have your normal economic base to fund your life, the downside is of course that you need to keep up your motivation even if you have to wait for the reward.
A compromise that can work is if you can go down to part-time working, here you have a part-time income you can rely on but you can cut a lot of startup time with your business as you can do more work for yourself. You will have to economize a lot at first though as you have to make do with less money, but the gain here is apparent. If you do it like this it is only a matter of months before you are in a good position.
If you are out of work and live on a shoestring budget you have time and surely motivation to put in the work needed. It is very hard to start without almost any money as even little things you might need seem expensive and out of reach but your best bet is to find the ways as your situation can only improve. If you need tools or gadgets that help you speed up the process try to borrow the money you need, either from your bank or maybe a friend or relative who is willing to help out.
With the financing planned you need to plan for doing the work. When you work from home it is very easy to get sidetracked and distracted and to avoid this you need to plan. If you plan your working day, working week and working month you only have to stick to your plan to succeed. Make sure you do this, otherwise you are in real trouble.
It is great if you can make office room for yourself, some space where you are at work and can not be disturbed when you work. Make sure also that the persons living with you understand and respect this.
Get all possible information you can before committing about your chosen business model. Search the Internet, talk to people doing it or at least communicate otherwise and do not outright believe any promises made by other people. Check and doublecheck for yourself everything and anything.
Remember that this could easily be one of the most important decisions you make in your entire life so treat it accordingly.
It is also a great help if you find a mentor or friend in the same line of business as you are sure to need help, at least in the beginning so try to find someone you can turn to when the going gets tough.
With these things in mind you have covered the basics. I wish you every bit of luck and fortune in your venture!

Working Online: Speed Bump No. 1 - You

That's right - you yourself! So you have always considered yourself the poster child for self-discipline. You need no incentive to forego that second double-strength frozen madori mudslide; and despite fires and floods, red-eye blue-dot sales and all-night dance marathons, you never miss that early morning grueling workout; and you never, ever allow yourself to succumb to that impulse buy at your favorite shoe store.
OK - We believe you when you insist that you'd have no trouble setting a regular working schedule and sticking to it, even with that latest hilarious YouTube segment salaciously beckoning you to watch - just once! But surely, you're not above considering a few helpful strategies to keep you "keepin' on" with your work-from-home schedule.
First, get dressed! You heard me - no pj's, no sweats, no terry robes, no tees! If you're a guy, shower, shave, don business casual, then head down or up the stairs to work. If you're a gal, shower, do your hair and makeup, and dress as though you were meeting your friends or a professional colleague for an informal lunch. You'll just feel so much more professional, and that feeling is apt to be reflected in your performance.
Second, don't blur the lines between cyberwork and social media. Sure, it's tempting to succumb to checking your smart phone, your texts, your e-mail, your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn accounts and the myriad of on-line shopping links that crowd all the above sites. It's easy to rationalize that some of these communications relate to and enhance your ability to do your job. But ruthless honesty and past experience attest that these lures can constitute addictive traps to distract you from the matter at hand - your work!
Thirdly, look ahead. Take a look at your entire work week. Where are the possible speed traps? Is your favorite celebrity being interviewed on a mid-morning talk show? Is your town hosting a late afternoon destination ride for 500 Harley riders, and you salivate at the thought of 'playing hooky' to take in that festival of bikes? Or is a trendy new local condo complex featuring a gala open house, and a business associate has issued you a VIP invitation... but the time of day coincides and collides with your work schedule and ethic.
Which brings us to our next helpful hint. Don't Be Too Hard On Yourself. If you take the time to plan ahead, you can easily take advantage of one of the perks of cyberworking from home - flexible scheduling. Yes, you can... Watch that interview, take in that bike parade, and enjoy that condo tour. To do so might mean you begin your work day somewhat earlier and/or end your working session a tad later. After all, you are in charge of balancing your workload with your time on task to accomplish your goals.
In my next segment, we'll focus on Speed bump #2 - Others.;area=summary;u=27855

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Getting In On The Business Of User Interface Design

A software user interface design business may be the ideal solution for individuals looking to start up their own online business. It takes specialized knowledge to be able to successfully handle UI design but if you have the right knowledge base, chances are you won't have much trouble drumming up business. That's because for every person who can manage UI design there are twice as many who can't.
User interface is the part of a program that enables the user to interact with the system. The easier the interaction, the more likely users will be to return, which means better response for the owner of the system, whether it's a business or a manufacturer or anything in between. A well-designed user interface, then, can be the key to making a site or a product function optimally and improve the user experience.
And that is a particularly important concept these days as we live in an increasingly technology driven world. Literally everywhere you turn, there is some form of program that you are operating: from smart phones to ATM machines, to the onboard computers of cars and planes, to retail and other websites. Our lives literally depend on our ability to quickly and easily use these programs to achieve the necessary end goal.
A good user interface can be the difference between a satisfying experience and one that leaves you tearing your hair out. Obviously businesses want their users to have as pleasant an experience as possible. That means they are going to need a good user interface and if they don't have the know-how to set one up themselves, then having a software user interface design business they can turn to for help would be a real asset.
If you have the knowledge and skill to expertly set up and implement well crafted user interfaces, then you can step in and fill in this critical need. You'll be able to reassure business owners that you can set up an interface that will make their software work exactly the way they want it to and give their customers exactly what they're looking for.
Taking in to consideration such elements as graphic design and typography, you can improve the look of a site, making it easier to read and understand. At the same time you can balance that graphic elements with properly functioning technology to optimize the user experience when using this software.
Because there are so many differently elements involved in user interface design and so many applications for UI's, designers have the ability to specialize in various areas, one of which is software design. Other areas of interface design can include user research, web design or industrial design. No matter which of these you cover you'll have the ability to put your skills to use to help grateful businesses.
If you're considering starting up your own online Internet business, this may be the ideal approach for you. A software user interface design business can be an invaluable asset for many different businesses and can help you to improve the functionality of the programs we use every day. Software user interface is the heartbeat of technology and as a UI designer you can be the one to keep that heart pumping.

The Online Worker Next Door

Indeed, it could be your neighbor, your best friend's mom, your retired uncle, your ex-boss. Everyone's doing it! Working online is proving to be the new career frontier. And with good reason. Millennials and Boomers alike have discovered the financial, practical, personal and professional advantages of working at home and online.
For starters, meet Kevin. For years, Kevin managed a major record store chain, long before the existence of Napster, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora, etc., and the explosion of universal online access to the entire range of digital audio, video, tv, and film media. As a manager, he received scads of free LP's, and, later, music CD's, given to him gratis by music vendors.
A musician himself, Kevin was immersed in the music industry. He witnessed first-hand the growth of the 70's and 80's genres, artists and groups that would eventually become successful brands. And so he was in a position to amass a huge collection of what later would become valuable music collectors' items.
As brick-and-mortar music stores began to decline, Kevin found himself jobless, while, fortunately, his wife's career as a nurse was flourishing. Their dilemma-the jobs now available to Kevin would barely cover day care costs for their three small children, all still in diapers.
With time on his hands, Kevin began dabbling in Internet commerce, especially on eBay, then in its early stages. There he noticed that there was a market for classic albums, and he just happened to have a basement full of now valuable "first editions," rare LP's, and early albums of once-unknown musicians who now had become music icons. Using his knowledge of the music industry as powerful leverage, Kevin was, before long, making money on eBay, buying, selling, and reselling music collectors' items. He has found his "dream job"!
Kevin boasts that the most unexpected and best outcome of his newfound online career has been his role as the classic stay-at-home dad. "How lucky I am," says Kevin, "to have the opportunity to watch my kids grow up, to make their school lunches, and to chauffeur them to sports and school activities."
Now meet Monica. At age 18, Monica found herself alone and pregnant. Determined to raise her child on her own, she aggressively pursued job opportunities available to those with only a high school diploma. Financially, Monica was in no position to be able to afford any type of additional formal training. But her tenacity earned her an entry-level position working online with a major telecommunications company just at the time when many corporations were experimenting with employee telecommuting options. Not only was the company willing to invest in training employees who were receptive to the idea of working from home, they provided their online staff with all necessary telecommunications, hardware and software, including a high-end computer.
Monica, who was smart, determined, and hard-working, soon found herself working from home full time, with company benefits and no childcare worries. One day a month she was required to travel to a major nearby city for a full day of meetings-a small price to pay for what she considered to be an ideal work environment. As young as she was, Monica realized the importance of self-discipline and of setting work boundaries for herself, as well as for her family and friends.
As she continued to demonstrate competence, and showed her willingness to master the company's latest software applications, Monica began to earn one promotion after another, assuming more and more responsibility, all as she continued to work from the comfort of her home. A few years into her career, Monica had a second child. Still a single parent, she continued to be able to rear both of her children while engaging in a demanding career.
Fast forward to today. Monica is now a grandmother of two, and guess what? She now occasionally takes care of her grandchildren while continuing to carry out her job responsibilities from her home-based office.
Take a look at Barry's new career. He shifted to working online when his industry, construction contracting, entered difficult times. He now works from his home office, running Mastery Tutors, a one-on-one, in-home tutoring business. The tutors he hires work face-to-face with students. But Barry's workday is spent completely online and on the phone, recruiting, matching, interviewing, and coordinating tutors. Initially his business focused within a 60-mile radius of his home outside of Charlotte NC. Now he has expanded to two new locations, Baltimore and Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill.
One of the major benefits Barry has enjoyed since making this shift to working online is the flexibility to work anytime and anyplace, while also sharing travel adventures with his wife, who is a travel writer. In the recent past, he has worked from the balcony of a condo on the Mediterranean French Riviera, from a canal house in Amsterdam, and from a castle on a hill high above the Rhine River in Germany.
Just imagine. For the most part, Kevin, Monica and Barry have no need to fret about Monday morning's weather conditions, traffic jams, car accidents, late trains, the price of gas, or road construction projects. Instead, they take a short walk up or down stairs to their home office, using their once grueling commuting time far more productively. And... they take as many or as few coffee breaks as their work allows or temperament desires!
Are you ready to join this dynamic 21st century trend of cyber working? Take a look at a recently published book, Shifting Gears To Your Career Working Online, (New Cabady Press, April 2015). It takes you into the world of online work, helps you find yourself there; then guides you, with specific, practical strategies, tools, and tasks, as you prepare yourself well, establish your own starting point as a web worker, and become highly successful working online.

Information Technology Advisors for Better Business

IT advisors (Information Technology Advisors) exist to help business owners make better strategic decisions for their companies, which can launch them forward into higher levels of success. Every aspect of their job is to research and advise on all things related to information technology. Ascertaining which technological needs and options will better work could save a company thousands of dollars and help them to avoid poor decisions that could lead to large technological deficiencies that can seriously harm, or lead to the downfall of their company. Well informed decisions need to come from a place of confidence and knowledge in the relevant subject, not everyone can have thorough knowledge of every topic, so bringing in specialists who do know everything about the area in question is often the best way to make decisions. Their views are unbiased and they are paid for their honest opinions, not to be swayed in their favour. Because they are an outside source of advice, they offer only useful and relevant suggestions.
There are many reasons why an IT advisor may be hired to help a company achieve growth and avoid potentially troublesome situations. Most IT advisor relationships are meant to ensure that businesses continue to experience positive growth by working together to improve information technology with experienced minds. An outside source of information and recommendations gained through years of work in the field is an extremely important asset to companies who do not employ full time staff who have similar training. IT advisors are highly trained and specialize in technology and its unique relationship to businesses on a day to day basis. Outsourcing this job prevents businesses from having to find and hire a permanent staff member with all of the relevant training and needing to work their pay and benefits into a budget. IT advisors bring a sense of authority and confidence to get the job done that is absolutely essential for success.
These amazing sources of expertise often drive necessary change within the businesses they temporarily work for, which can determine the success for years to come. They create the blueprint for change, as well as deploying it. Many owners do not understand how certain changes or technologies will affect their business long term; that is why information technology advisors are so sought after. They can help you determine what technology is going to best suit and expand your company and prevent you from choosing costly technologies that will not have any positive effect. They are fully capable and responsible in all areas of implementing these new ideas and will guide you through every step of the necessary changes, from the first concept to its completion and smooth integration within your company. Complete customer satisfaction is always their main goal and they strive hard to deliver only the best services available.

You Don't Need Technical Skills to Start an Online Business

A few weeks back I was giving a coaching session and was baffled to hear that the individual I was talking to had joined a web programming online course so he would have the technical skills to begin an online business.
I ended up the call very frustrated.
Technical skills are not vital for starting an online business.
The main mistake many people do when beginning online is to believe that they need first to know how to code.
Somebody is thinking of beginning an online business and... join a programming or web engineer online course.
Do you see any logic here?!
I now understand why web-programming courses have been flourishing the last few years on the Internet!
With individuals intrigued by the opportunity that lies in having an online business, they mistakenly believe that by gaining the technical knowledge they will be able to start an online business.
You can be the best online software engineer in the world and still struggle in being a successful digital entrepreneur.
I get it - without a site, you can't go far on the web.
The uplifting news is that whether you want to blog or sell products online, you can have a website without having to type a single line of code.
I am thinking obviously at WordPress, my favourite website builder platform.
But Wix is also another great alternative for any individual who needs an online presence.
Don't let a lack of technical skills alarm you
The Internet is always changing, which implies that it offers opportunities for any individual who has something valuable to offer.
If you've ever considered starting a business, I strongly recommend going online.
The Internet offers you the possibility to create a fully automated online business that will give you a passive income and flexibility in your life. You will be able to work anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer and an Internet connection.
I like to call it 'living a digital lifestyle'.
Give value to your customers first
The Internet tracker, Internet Live Stats, estimates the number of websites live to near one billion.
With thousands of websites created everyday, it is fundamental to know how to advertise your business effectively.
95% of your work in growing an online business should to be centered on how to give value - and not on learning technical skills.
When an online business goes down, it is not a result of technical issues but rather the fact that the owner didn't bring genuine value to its audience.
Many people start online on their own and give up from frustration. Don't be this one.
You might have tried before and have realized that promoting a business online is no easy task.
Perhaps you have focused too much on the technical side and lost track on growing the business instead. Or you didn't know how to bring value to your customers.

They All Said I Couldn't Do It!

Isn't it funny that other people like to make decisions about your life, and what you are capable of? When I was at primary school, a very long time ago, I remember a discussion between a teacher and my parents; basically they said that I would never achieve much. Yes in my hearing, disgraceful! Admittedly I did have a very academically bright young sister.
I plodded on through my schooldays in a C grade class whilst my sister passed the 11+ at 9 years old. I stayed on into the 5th form instead of leaving at 15 as was the practice then. However I was told although I had followed the examination course and done all the homework, it would be a waste of school funds to put me in for the exam, so disappointed I shrugged it off.
The worm turns. Years later with a divorce pending I needed to enrol in a teachers training course to gain a suitable job to allow me to take care of my 3 children. I had 5 months to take and pass a minimum of 4 exams, (but the course had been running for 3 months), I also had to produce a portfolio for the art department in order to be accepted.
It so happened that the music teacher from my secondary school lived next door to my mothers, so with much head-shaking she declared I would never do it. This was also the view of the tutors at the college where I was enrolling for the exams, not to mention the staff at the teachers training college. They virtually made me promise that if I didn't succeed in the 5 months I would enrol for the following year before they would accept me.
However 5 months later I took the exams and passed and achieved 6 not 4 passes, also an art portfolio. I gained a place at the teachers training college and 3 years later came out with a teaching certificate.
Believe me, you can do pretty much whatever you set out to do if you want it enough. You need a plan and lots of determination and belief. Never ever give up or doubt your ability. Just enjoy the challenge. Maybe this is why I enjoyed teaching children needing extra help, often it was more a case of building their confidence in their ability. I have yet to find a child I cannot teach to read, even a youngster of 15 who staff had given up on! He made excellent progress with the right encouragement!
Decide what you want out of life and go for it. Just DO IT!
I now have an affiliate marketing hobby business which is great fun. It is rewarding and satisfying watching it grow. Once again people had laughed at me for years when I was planning an internet business, saying it wouldn't work, or I couldn't make it work.
Now whose turn is it to laugh? Yes all the way to the bank. You too can build an internet business or do whatever is your dream, just believe in yourself and stick with it until you succeed.
So if you fancy building an online business and working at home begin now and research your niche. Affiliate marketing is the simplest way to start online. You direct customers to your mentor's products and with a proven plan and guidance it becomes a simple way to start online. Read some of my articles to discover more, or leave me a comment.
Oh! And by the way we are moving to Spain in October to spend warmer winters there, another thing everyone doubted I would actually achieve! Don't listen to the doubters, just do it!
Here are some books to help you on your way:
"Living with Passion" by Peter L Hirsch
"Ask for the Moon" by Percy Ross
"Awaken the Giant" by Anthony Robins
"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" Susan Jeffers
"Make friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
"The power of your subconscious Mind " by Dr Joseph Murphy
My name is Anne -"We always aim to give more value than you expect"
Best Wishes in your venture, take a look at the information to grow your business FAST.

How Accurate Is Your Data? Only A Good Auditor Knows For Sure

A data accuracy audit business ideally shouldn't be necessary, but anybody who works with any type of data regularly knows that this isn't true. As long as human beings are compiling the data in question, there will always be room for error and that means there will always be a need for IT auditors. If you've got the right skill set, you can position yourself as the person businesses need to ensure the accuracy of their data.
Almost every business uses some sort of database: from customer and sales records to bookkeeping to in-house procedures and everything in between. And any of these groups of data can be flawed. When a company is relying on this data in order to function optimally, these flaws can act as speed bumps, slowing the flow of business down or even stopping it in its tracks.
This is why it is imperative that companies ensure the accuracy of their data. Even the smallest of inaccuracies can lead to a giant mess, so the sooner they can be identified and corrected, the better for everyone involved. But finding and fixing them can be much more difficult than it sounds, especially if the person doing the data audit is not trained properly.
Companies may think they can handle their audits internally, but this a common misconception. As anyone who has ever tried to proofread their own work knows, it is all too easy to overlook even a blatant error, and the more times you read the original text, the more flaws you tend to miss. When you're talking about large sets of technical data, that process becomes even more complicated and much more likely to produce inaccurate results.
This is where the value of an independent data accuracy audit business can be seen. Sometimes, no matter how valiant your effort, what you really need is an outside set of eyes to spot the problems. This is particularly true of inaccuracies in data. As a trained IT professional you can provide companies with exactly the resource they need to keep their data as clean and accurate as possible.
The key to starting a successful business as an IT auditor is making companies see just how important this service really is. They may not be able to understand the intricacies of data management but most business owners can relate to the effect of data inaccuracies on their bottom line. Make sure they know that accurate data is the key to successful business operations and, ultimately, greater profits.
Once you've drawn that connection, you can then suggest the importance of having a trained professional audit their data to check for inconsistencies and other errors. Then you can show exactly why you are the right person for the job, highlighting the technical knowledge and IT training that allows you to look at even the largest data sets with an eagle eye.
Soon you'll be watching your own business grow as more and more companies begin to rely on your services to ensure the accuracy of their data. So when you're considering your options as an IT professional, don't overlook the possibility of starting a data accuracy audit business. Helping to keep other companies' data correct may just help you clean up financially.

Develop Online Success in Your Spare Time

Again I have been surprised by the vast number of people wanting to work at home and start a business in their spare time. Today 1,600,000 other people have typed in the same title. Well if you are looking to change your career and fancy working at home there is no better way to start that part-time.
It is a good idea to begin building your online venture in your spare time; you can then take your time to learn the techniques without feeling under pressure. It you treat your new business as a hobby business you have time to enjoy the research and are not in too much of a hurry to decide which niche suits you best, or will be profitable. You can research and test it fully.
Another advantage, although it is great when orders start to roll in, if you are building your business whilst you have an alternative income you will not have the same panic feelings of needing to start earning, and you can enjoy building sound foundations.
If you are treating your business as a hobby with less immediate expectations you can enjoy the learning process and you can really explore and perfect the different traffic techniques.
Traffic systems you can consider are Solo ads, Facebook advertising, PPC, YouTube videos and other video marketing, Google + and other social media marketing. Also email marketing with an auto-responder. You can also look at article writing, guest blogging and other content marketing, or maybe your own Blog. These are just some of the ways you can learn to build your list.
However if you are keen to start earning or want the simplest way to begin, a mentor will speed up the process considerably. Instead of looking for affiliate programs to join, if you choose a mentor who offers a fantastic range of desirable products for you to drive traffic to you can earn as you learn the techniques. The delivery and payment will be taken care of by your mentor. This means you can start earning without building a website and learning all the other things immediately.
So if you want to discover the excitement, passion, fun, and freedom of an online business, begin part-time whilst you have an income to take the pressure away and give you time for research. It will give you time to choose the best and most profitable niche for you, something you will enjoy spending your time learning about and with a good earning potential.
Take time to explore which of the possible traffic sources appeal to you and that you will enjoy taking the time to learn and perfect, so that you can develop your own successful online business.
Books to aid you in your journey:
"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.
"Thank God it's Monday" by Charles Cameron and Suzanne Elusor, a book to offer strategies for making life more tolerable whilst you make changes.
"Laptop Millionaire" by Mark Anastasi.
"Building an Online Cash Cow" by Anthony Barlow.
"Facebook for business" by Bud E Smith
"Email Persuasion" by Ian Brodie
"500 Social Media Tips" by Andrew Macarthy
"Profitable social Media Marketing" by Tim Kitchen and Tachmeem Mirza
"SEO Step by Step" by Caimin Jones
My name is Anne -"We always aim to give more value than you expect"
Best Wishes in your venture, take a look at the information to grow your business FAST.
I would like to introduce you to Sarah Staar's fantastic FREE information videos she has allowed me to share with you. She is a very successful Internet Marketer and Coach. Her videos are very clear and easy to follow - See for your-self NOW whilst they are available to view FREE! You will find several on our website - enjoy!;area=summary;u=27673

4 Easy Steps To Success With CPA

Cost Per Action means that, when a website user completes an action, you get paid a commission for the completion.
For example, if a website user sees an advertisement you have created on the internet, clicks on that advertisement and then, as requested, completes a form, requests a report, buys something or registers for a trial or quote, you receive a pay out when their action has been verified.
1. The first step is for the internet user to visit a website and see an advertisement which they are interested in. This could be for something as simple as a payday loan, free report or quote on insurance, purchase of a bargain or deal promoted by you.
2. The second step is they click on that advertisement to get further instructions
3. Next they are directed to a salespage, landing page or another website providing further details of the offer and their required action and instructions on next steps
4. Lastly, on entering their details, submitting the information or buying something, a commission is generated.
The four steps you need to take to create a campaign for the CPA process is:
1. Select an offer to promote using various research techniques such as previous sales, popularity and commissions
2. Register with the marketplace or provider which are representing the company looking for business and get verified to promote their products, being as honest as you can i.e. if you are new to internet marketing, state this
3. Register with an autoresponder to create opt-in forms for the computer users who will click on the offer
4. Create a link from the opt-in form to the affiliate offer in order that the computer user can complete the required action.
As part of this whole process, it is possible for you to collect the email addresses of those who request or take part in the offer in order to promote further products.
The most successful CPA campaigns use contextual links which are not intrusive to you website and not necessarily "in your face" banners.
There are numerous niches you can focus on when it comes to selecting your offer and creating your website as, much like affiliate and internet marketing, people are constantly looking for information and guidance and inherently lazy so will take the easy option when seeing something they need, or think they need.
So in summary, CPA marketing is the easiest to set up from an affiliate marketer point of view, easiest to complete from a computer user point of view and potentially the biggest money-maker from a pay out of commissions point of view.;area=summary;u=27674

5 Easy Steps To Your Own Money Making Website

Making money online is the easiest way for anyone to earn an income while they are in between jobs, made redundant or restricted from working due to childcare or other personal issues including mobility, disability or similar commitments. It may even be a way to get out of the day job.
It has never been easier to make money online due to the user-friendly systems now provided by computer companies and the easy software programs providing advice and guidance every step of the way for any new internet or computer user.
It is possible to create your own website within hours when previously it would take days.
The five steps to follow are:
1. Select the niche you want to work in. It may be that you have recently found an excellent diet, the perfect way to cook chicken, an easy gardening trick to get rid of weeds, ways to train your puppy or any other trick or tip you have learned which you can pass on to others. In today's society, everyone is in a hurry. People are looking for the quickest and easiest way to solve a problem. That's where you step in. Select your market and create your own information product.
2. Choose a domain name. This is the name of your website and needs to have something relevant in the title.You may find that, when you try to choose the obvious name for your website, it has already gone. However, when you eventually find the right one which is available, make sure you use this when advertising your services or products, correct to the very letter, including the "dot" or "." as this may result in another website getting your customers.
3. Choose your hosting company. This may be the same company where you buy your domain name or a different one. Simply typing a domain hosting request into Google will bring up lots of options and you need to choose the best for you after weighing up all the benefits and offers included.
4. Add content. Building your website can often be stressful but looking at websites you use regularly will give you hints and tips on a good layout, what kind of information you want to provide and need to include and how many pages, updates or products and services you can offer visitors.
5. Promote your site. It is no good having a website business without ensuring people know it is there. From this perspective you need to generate traffic. There are numerous ways you can do this including sending out emails, using various methods to direct traffic to your site and create sales.;area=summary;u=27675

If Your Business Plan Doesn't Include This, You Might Fail!

Have you ever taken a road-trip? As a military brat, I've taken many road trips just moving around the country and the world. I got to see so many beautiful sights and experience things I have never had the chance to. Back then, I had my dad driving and he was the guide. I had no worries. Today as an adult when we take road trips, we rely on GPS. It guides us safely to each of our new destinations, prepares us for the distance and any obstacles in our way. Don't you wish navigating your online business was that easy?
Here's the good news; It can be.
You don't have a GPS for your business but you can create the next best thing, a map for your business or a business plan. I'm going to call it a success map, because if it's good and you follow it, it will lead you to success.
I'm going to ask you a serious question. If this is even slightly you, read this article to the period of the last sentence and take action right now.
Are you just winging it when it comes to your online business?
(Let's be real) No real strategy, no goals, no direction and you can't figure out why your business isn't exploding with growth right now. It's so frustrating seeing everyone win but you, and not understand why. I see this happen all the time. Literally, every day and here's why:
People have these incredible goals but when I ask how they plan to achieve those goals, I get that deer in the headlights stare.
They see successful online businesses and feel like all that success came overnight (so they should get it overnight too).
It takes time and effort.
My point? Don't stress out. As long as you are following your success map, you will always be doing something to grow your business and it will eventually breed success. When I get anxious about my success, I read this quote from the co-founder of Twitter. It snaps me back to reality every time so be sure to write it down and tape it to your mirror or your front door, or anywhere you can see it every day.
Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.
- Biz Stone
Even Biz, who is currently worth $200 million, had to start somewhere and work long and hard to reach this point. He started the same place you are right now, so follow his example and find success.
Developing Your Success Map
Developing a success map is not only a sure-fire way to reach success, it will motivate you, inspire you and ultimately keep you and your business heading in the right direction.
Your success map consists of:
Social Media Calendar
Advertising Budget
Setting Goals
Setting goals for yourself is the most important thing you will ever do in your business. Pull out a calendar. It can be on your phone, Google calendars, or a simple flip calendar (I use all three). Think about goals. These goals can be anything, whether it's making $1 million dollars or adding 100,000 email subscribers to your list (this one's mine). A lot of people that I know say it's best to pick realistic goals and these don't fall into that category.
I say it's best to set achievable goals, even if you have to hit multiple milestones along the way. These are not goals that you meet in a week, they are where you see yourself in a year, in 5 years or even 10 years from now.
Some advice someone once gave me is to create visual reminders of your goals and put them in places you will see them every day. Recently I have been very involved in a successful MLM company. For a long time, I resisted all sales advances and wanted nothing to do with it. Slowly but surely, I started seeing people I personally know succeeding and making big life changes with their health and diets. Then I saw it... someone I knew personally did so well, she got a FREE Lexus, What?! Free Lexus, free vacations, along with the a paycheck? I'm in! Well, it's my goal to drive that Lexus. So I found a brand new Black Onyx, Lexus LX 570 and took it for a test drive! Now I have a true feel for my goals and this picture sits at my desk.
Whatever your goal is... a brand new Lexus, big new house, extravagant vacation... take these pictures and put them on your mirror, at your desk and anywhere you have to see them every day.
This works great because you are always reminded of your goal and when your goal is always on your mind, it makes it real and achievable.
Record these goals on your calendar(s):
30 day goal
6 month goal
1 year goal
5 year goal
I always feel better when I have set goals and know exactly what I'm working for and you will too. Now, let's see how we make those big goals actually happen.
Establish Milestones
A milestone is a marker that represents how far you have come, and how close you are you reaching your goal. They can also keep you on track to completing your goals according to the schedule you create. Keep in mind, milestones are the building blocks of your success. Here's an example of how milestones can help you achieve your goals:
Let's say my 30 day goal is to gain 100 more followers on Facebook.
Most would divide that evenly and each week would have a weekly milestone of 25. I have found that when giving myself even milestones, I fall short on some. To combat this, I stack the majority of that goal to be my first milestone and schedule it like this:
week 1 - 50 followers
week 2 - 25 followers
week 3 - 15 followers
week 4 - 10 followers
I find this so much easier because I can put in a huge effort for the first week, then coast the remainder of the month. By the time week 4 comes around, if I haven't exceeded my 30 day goal, I have recovered enough from the first week to give it another hard push.
Create A Social Media Calendar
I like to have calendars everywhere and sync them up so I always know exactly what I have planned. It helps me stay organized and keeps me on track to success.
A social media calendar or (content calendar) is just like any other calendar except that this is used explicitly for your business. If you use any type of social media, then you know posting regularly is the best policy. Sure, you can use some of the free tools like HootSuite or BuzzBundle, but many of us like to do it the old fashioned way and just post!
Either way, having a plan for your posting will make life so much easier and unlock so much potential in your social media outreach, you will be amazed. Here are a few other ways a social media calendar can help you:
Plan postings around key events and holidays (Christmas and New Years)
Schedule training for your downline or customers (with time to prepare)
Know exactly what you will post and when.
Create a "posting sales funnel"*
*Posting Sales Funnel: You write posts on social media that over a short span of time give people sets of information. This creates interest rather than just showing a graphic and saying, IT WORKS, YOU SHOULD JOIN ME!!! (I think we have all seen enough of this)
Budget For Advertising
This is one of the things that can be difficult to plan for until you know more about advertising. Some people wait until they have started doing really well in their warm market and have money from their business to start advertising.
Those who are more savvy in the field of marketing, understand that advertising can grow your business at an amazing speed and take advantage of this.
There are many different advertising methods on many different platforms. It's your job to figure out where your audience can be found, and if you should be using CPC or CPM.
CPC: Cost per Click - Every time someone clicks on your advertisement, you pay a small amount. This is a great option because if you're not getting results, you're not paying for anything.
CPM: Cost per Mille - Also know as cost per impression. This means that every time your advertisement is served, or someone sees your ad (whether they click it or not) it's added up. You pay a set amount of money for every 1000 impressions.
Small things like this can make a huge difference in your return on investment (ROI), so when you think you have gained enough knowledge to start spending money on advertising, set a budget that's reasonable for you and go from there.
Start small, and test, test, test. Some ads work and some don't.
Follow Your Map To Success
Now you have created your success map by establishing goals, setting milestones, making a social media calendar and budgeting for advertising. Follow it and you will have that Lexus parked in your driveway in no time!;area=summary;u=27693