Friday, November 25, 2016

4 Step 90 Minute Blitz Formula

The 90 minute blitz formula makes a big difference in how productive you are. Identify at least 3 "crunch times" during each month. Ideally one at the beginning, middle and end of each month. By following these 4 steps, you can produce more in 90 minutes than you used to get done in one whole day.
You will learn to jam pack these 90 minute crunch sessions, ramp up and create rapid momentum. This is perfect for anyone working part-time on their home business. Your time is valuable and you must make the most of these small pockets of time. Sit down, ramp up and crunch out whatever is on your list - emails, making phone calls, writing posts, blogs, etc.
1. Pick a date. Put the date on your calendar. Block out your bulk time to create whatever you decide to create. This makes it concrete for you - a commitment. Pick the date and time of day that works for you.
2. Pick your profit maximizing action during that 90 minute blitz. If you do videos - focus only on videos, if you need to send out emails, focus on that. Profit maximizing action is anything that is going to get you results in your business - videos, calling leads, creating a webinar, sending emails, writing 2-3 blog posts, Facebook posts/ads. Non profit activities are watching a webinar training, sitting down to plan out your week, or organizing your office space.
3. Plan Ahead! The night before, plan out what you are actually going to do. The content, script, blog posts. You need to already have your ideas set. The 90 minute time frame is to complete the action. Have phone numbers ready, email list up to date, content ideas in place.
4. Focus and Execute. Nothing is more important than this step. It can be very frustrating when you are all prepped and the phone rings, doorbell rings, or there is a knock at the office door. If you have kids at home, see if someone can watch your kids for those 90 minutes. This is focus time - no interruption. Make this commitment 3 times a month. Unplug your phone, shut off notifications and keep away anything that will distract you and interrupt that 90 minutes.
Set a timer and focus solely on what you have planned to execute and run with it. This works because you are focused and many people work better in sprints. Instead of writing a blog post consistently every day, you will get more done with a 90 minute blitz. Start utilizing this inside your business. Challenge yourself to pick a date, write it down, tell someone so you are held accountable to it, then watch your business grow.;area=summary;u=160275

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