Tuesday, May 2, 2017

2 Reasons Why You Should Always Track Your Online Reputation

The importance of tracking your reputation helps you make necessary improvements in your business to boost customer loyalty and sales. The best thing to do is always make your customers feel as if they are getting the best service in the world from you. However, there are times when people do not always feel happy with it. Eighty-three percent of consumers will make a negative comment about a company. This can greatly impact your business as the negativity can spread rapidly due to the Internet running 24/7. Once a negative review is posted, people from all over the world can see it at any given time. So, then, here are two reasons why you should track your business's reputation online and how you can keep yourself "looking good".
1. It Helps You to Constantly Re-evaluate Your Products and Services
The only way to move forward is to know where you were and what "roadblocks" are in your way. You need to ask yourself: "Are there ways around these blocks, or do I have to start from the beginning?" You will not have to start your business all over again; just the part or parts that do not work the same.
You will find out what the roadblocks are when you begin to hear the feedback from your clients. Another way to find out what roadblocks are is to do surveys. It is always a good idea to give your customer a survey after each purchase they make. That way, the more times they see it, the more likely they are to complete it. You can also give them a discount for their next purchase after completing a survey to encourage them to complete it.
What are some facets to your online reputation that are important to know? For one, you will need to evaluate any reviews that are negative. You work hard for what you do, and unfortunately, some people are not completely satisfied. They will write a negative review of your business or brand so the whole world can see how unsatisfied they were. And if you just leave the negative feedback alone and never attempt to find out how you can help that person, there is no benefit to you. People will see it and base their purchasing decisions off the feedback. Always try to resolve any issues you have. Respond with an inquiry to the person who made the negative response and ask them how you can make things better for them.
On the other hand, a negative review does not always hurt your reputation; at least not in the beginning. There are many times when you try your sales techniques, whether passive or aggressive before anyone knows about your brand or reads about it. Most people will not research your business beforehand and will base their decisions off of how well you treated them.
It is a good idea to build some rapport with people by talking back and forth with them before you try to get a sale. Talk with the potential clients and answer some questions. This will begin to give you a good reputation. People will appreciate you answering their questions and are more likely to purchase from you in the end. Make sure their experience with you throughout this time and all future inquiries and transactions are smooth as possible. You want the customer feeling as if they had the best service ever.
After you build a client base, you can continue to monitor your online reputation using any tool you found through your research online. Not one tool is created equal so look for one that will help you the most. It is a good idea to use a tool to keep track of comments made either on social media, or a rating site such as yelp. Keep a record of all those reviews and come up with strategies in which you can make things better. You never want to go into business thinking once you see successes that things will not change. What works one time may not work afterward. The most successful businesses know this, which is why they have been in business for a long time. You should follow after them.
When someone or some people are saying negative things about your business, you want to be able to react as quickly as possible. Should this happen, you can try and talk with the person and ask that the review be taken down. You also want to apologize for any wrong doing even if you do not feel that you did anything wrong. If you start to point fingers and lay blame on the customer, this will cause further damage.
2. It Helps You Measure the Success of Your Business
You do not want to always worry about the negativity that can be a result of doing business, but you want to also focus on the positive outcomes. It may seem that you are boasting but you want to display the positive comments and let the world know how people feel about your brand. This will help with future business.
You now have some ideas of why it is important to track your online reputation. Keep in mind; you cannot prevent everyone from feeling a negative way toward your brand. Depending on how you react to it and how you handle a negative review can help or hurt your brand now and in the future. So do your research and keep track of your reputation; you will be glad you did.

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