Monday, February 27, 2017

Just What Can You Do With 3D Printers?

3D imaging has moved from the virtual world to the real world with the advent of affordable quality 3D printers. For years 3D Printers were expensive, cumbersome and hard to use. That is no longer the case. Now 3D Printers are fun, easy to use, small enough to fit on a desktop and affordable and will become more affordable going forward as prices keep coming down now that more people are buying them. But what can you do with them?
It turns out, all sorts of things. Of course, you can 3D Print a Yoda statue or a bust of the President or some form of art or toy, but they can be used for much more. The Smithsonian is currently 3D Scanning their Dinosaur collection and making the files available on line. That means you can log in, download the files and 3D Print your very own Dinosaur. Archaeologists are 3D imaging and 3D Printing relics. Now students can actually handle artifacts without fear of damaging a priceless find, making them better students. Dentists are using 3D Printers for temporary false teeth. Machine shops are 3D Printing molds of hard to find parts and casting them in short runs for clients. Engineers are 3D Printing prototypes; Architects are 3D Printing building models; chefs have 3D Printed chocolate in intricate designs combining food and art; a firm even 3D Printed a bridge over a river by merging a 3D Printer with a robot.
3D printers are great for schools and not just engineering departments of colleges and universities. There are entire curriculums available for K through 12 classes centering on Math, Science, History and yes Art. And departments other than Engineering can benefit from 3D Printers on the university level. Chemistry and Physics departments can 3D Print molecules and atoms, making tangible what has been only described or viewed in a 2D image. History departments can 3D Print a village from the 17th century and give students a better understanding of the layout. Priceless artifacts can be 3D Scanned and 3D Printed giving students a hands on experience of things to valuable to be handled before. There are medical applications as well. Medical engineers have used 3D Printers to print prosthetic arms, hands and legs at a much reduced cost than traditional manufacturing. The possibilities are nearly endless.;area=summary;u=277332;area=summary;u=54612

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