SEO metrics alone, however, do not paint the full picture of optimal website effectiveness. In fact, search algorithms that now hunt for high-quality content factors have prompted top marketing gurus to advise us not to rely so heavily on keywords, but rather to focus on upgrading the quality of our websites' content.
To help website owners get a "snapshot" evaluation of their site's content, I compiled the following 10-question quiz, based on current research and my own experience with online marketing's best practices. Hopefully, it will peak your interest in exploring further whether or not your content is doing its job of helping you accomplish your marketing goals. An "answer key" follows the quiz.
- Is your core marketing message clearly expressed, directly or indirectly? ____Yes ____No
- Do you blog frequently from your website? ____Yes ____No
- Does your site have interesting visual elements like graphics, photos, video? ____Yes ____No
- Does the text provide useful, well-written, accurate information to visitors? ____Yes ____No
- Does it invite viewers to interact with you? ____Yes ____No
- Is there a "call to action" at your site that prompts reader response? ____Yes ____No
- Is the written text interesting, engaging, valuable and compelling? ____Yes ____No
- Do you have (and utilize) on-site analytics? ____Yes ____No
- Does your site have reciprocal links with related, non-competing sites? ____Yes ____No
If the number of your "Yes" responses is:
1 to 3 - consider ways to enable your website to support your marketing goals.
4 to 6 - your content would probably benefit from some upgrading.
7 to 10 - You're doing a lot of things right! Your site may only need a few tweaks.
Some Ways to Improve Your Website's "Power of Attraction"
- Keeping content fresh, current and accurate speaks well to your visitors about your high standards.
- Hone your written content to specifically address the needs and desires of your target audience.
- Start blogging from your website. Marketers who blog attract 67% more leads than those who don't; and they get 97% more incoming links.
- Research shows that interesting visuals can entice visitors to spend more time at your site.
- Content that engages readers on an emotional level improves the chances they'll respond to your message, and increases the likelihood they'll contact you.
- On-site analytics can provide key insights into your visitors' experiences at your site.
- Outsourcing professional assistance for improving, expanding and strategizing your marketing content, can make a significant difference in the level of success your website can help you achieve.
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