To start using Header Bidding on a site the publisher first needs a wrapper. In essence header bidding wrapper adoption is the placing of a core script that sends out requests to allocated bidders and collects returned bids. There are various wrapper solutions available but the market leader is prebid.js with its open and free of charge source code.
To use prebid.js the publisher needs to place JavaScript in the header of their site. The script then sends ad requests to bidders. When the page is loaded the script sends out the requests to all added bidders simultaneously and gathers bids for ad placements. The ad displayed is from the highest price bidder. The entire process takes mere milliseconds.
In reality, it's not that simple to set up and run such a wrapper if a publisher does not have access to sufficient programming skills and technical expertise. In this case, a website owner may bring in external developers to implement their header bidding but at a significant cost to themselves. Client-side wrapper setup and implementation can take a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks.
While setting up a wrapper the publisher should add bidders they want to serve ads from and set specific parameters for each in the proper manner. The parameters differ from bidder to bidder. They are listed with each adapter on prebid.js site. It is important to set them correctly to avoid costly "human error" mistakes. Also, a website owner should check timely if there are any updates or changes in prebid.js documentation or demand partners' parameters.
DFP line items can be added to the wrapper. Creating hundreds of line items in Doubleclick can be made manually or with the help of automated tools.
Once the wrapper is fully implemented Header Bidding still does not fill all impressions and there are some unsold which can be monetized through traditional waterfall ad serving.
Thus it appears that modern ad management on-site involves adding a Header Bidding Wrapper, ongoing administration of bidders, collecting statistical data, and then back to bidder optimizations.
Such an onerous stack of tasks may prevent a website owner from implementing header bidding at all. Not all publishers are ready to make the leap considering how complicated and expensive it can be. Some don't feel they are ready for the game to start.
This attitude contradicts the trends in the industry development. But at the same time, it is a prerequisite for the emergence of tools that would help to ease the installation of the header bidding wrapper when you are not a professional developer. As a matter of experience, such tool should automate header bidding wrapper creation, prebid.js, and DFP integration, track updates and amend prebid.js and bidders settings, collect analytics and provide reporting.
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