Saturday, August 22, 2020

Using XAPI to Track and Enhance Training

Ever wanted to capture the whole learning experience of your user, but not sure where to start? In this article I will present on different ways that xAPI has benefited the learning experience and the learning ecosystem.

Enhance Compliance Training

This case study revealed a trying question that many enterprise training department heads face, "How do I provide effective, efficient, and engaging compliance training for... 243,000 employees and 3,934 different job titles?"

xAPI enables users to collect data from outside the traditional e-learning experiences in an LMS. As this case study proves, having a learning experience without entering an LMS is very beneficial.

Transition from Old to New

If you are tied to flash for legacy reasons, look to this case study that reveals how your enterprise can have a clear path toward a mobile solution. By integrating into their LMS, all xAPI data was converted to a SCORM object that could be reported. Eventually, you will be able to phase out SCORM reporting by relying on xAPI and directly querying the LRS for reporting needs.

By leveraging xAPI and a LRS (Learning Record Store), it allowed The Network to plot a path into new learning technologies that support a planned transition from old to new technology.

Enable Social Collaboration and Gamification

Community puts the collective knowledge of your entire enterprise for all to share. By using xAPI and a LRS for experience tracking, a social implementation throughout the training experience was created.

The use of xAPI for social media in learning removed the need for third-party vendors and simplified product development. xAPI provided a natural language to model common social media tasks

Track More than the Obvious

Training is not just about calculations and statistics, it's about experience and participation. Automated training ranges run with proprietary systems that store data in their own format that are not easily accessible after the training event. By developing a solution to map the data from the proprietary training range software to xAPI system that were then stored in an LRS, it allowed users to mine data in real time to look for key patterns in performance.From these reports we were able to identify a trend and noticed that there was an obstruction in front of one of the targets by the pattern in these heat maps. In addition, it gave the coaches the ability to analyze range data and to see how the group performed holistically.

xAPI analytics provide a new model to improve teaching, learning, and decision making. By using these analytics you can think carefully about what you need to know and what data is most likely to tell you what you need to know.

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